Rene Boiteau
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Cited by
Siderophore-based microbial adaptations to iron scarcity across the eastern Pacific Ocean
RM Boiteau, DR Mende, NJ Hawco, MR McIlvin, JN Fitzsimmons, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (50), 14237-14242, 2016
Traditional and molecular analyses for fecal indicator bacteria in non-point source subtropical recreational marine waters
CD Sinigalliano, JM Fleisher, ML Gidley, HM Solo-Gabriele, T Shibata, ...
Water research 44 (13), 3763-3772, 2010
Soil organic matter characterization by fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR MS): A critical review of sample preparation, analysis, and data …
W Bahureksa, MM Tfaily, RM Boiteau, RB Young, MN Logan, ...
Environmental science & technology 55 (14), 9637-9656, 2021
Mechanisms of ZnII-Activated Magnetic Resonance Imaging Agents
JL Major, RM Boiteau, TJ Meade
Inorganic chemistry 47 (22), 10788-10795, 2008
Detection of iron ligands in seawater and marine cyanobacteria cultures by high-performance liquid chromatography–inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
RM Boiteau, JN Fitzsimmons, DJ Repeta, EA Boyle
Analytical chemistry 85 (9), 4357-4362, 2013
Distinct siderophores contribute to iron cycling in the mesopelagic at station ALOHA
RM Bundy, RM Boiteau, C McLean, KA Turk-Kubo, MR McIlvin, MA Saito, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 61, 2018
Structure elucidation of unknown metabolites in metabolomics by combined NMR and MS/MS prediction
RM Boiteau, DW Hoyt, CD Nicora, HA Kinmonth-Schultz, JK Ward, ...
Metabolites 8 (1), 8, 2018
Structural characterization of natural nickel and copper binding ligands along the US GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
RM Boiteau, CP Till, A Ruacho, RM Bundy, NJ Hawco, AM McKenna, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 243, 2016
An extended siderophore suite from Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 revealed by LC-ICPMS-ESIMS
RM Boiteau, DJ Repeta
Metallomics 7 (5), 877-884, 2015
Dynamic mercury methylation and demethylation in oligotrophic marine water
KM Munson, CH Lamborg, RM Boiteau, MA Saito
Biogeosciences 15 (21), 6451-6460, 2018
Patterns of iron and siderophore distributions across the California Current System
RM Boiteau, CP Till, TH Coale, JN Fitzsimmons, KW Bruland, DJ Repeta
Limnology and Oceanography 64 (1), 376-389, 2019
sAPP enhances the transdifferentiation of adult bone marrow progenitor cells to neuronal phenotypes
CWD Chen, RM Boiteau, WFT Lai, SW Barger, AM Cataldo
Current Alzheimer Research 3 (1), 63-70, 2006
Authigenic uranium in foraminiferal coatings: A proxy for ocean redox chemistry
R Boiteau, M Greaves, H Elderfield
Paleoceanography 27 (3), 2012
Micronutrient metal speciation is controlled by competitive organic chelation in grassland soils
RM Boiteau, JB Shaw, L Pasa-Tolic, DW Koppenaal, JK Jansson
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 120, 283-291, 2018
Siderophore profiling of co-habitating soil bacteria by ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry
RM Boiteau, SJ Fansler, Y Farris, JB Shaw, DW Koppenaal, L Pasa-Tolic, ...
Metallomics 11 (1), 166-175, 2019
Basin-scale biogeography of marine phytoplankton reflects cellular-scale optimization of metabolism and physiology
JR Casey, RM Boiteau, MKM Engqvist, ZV Finkel, G Li, J Liefer, CL Müller, ...
Science Advances 8 (3), eabl4930, 2022
Bacterial quorum-sensing signal arrests phytoplankton cell division and impacts virus-induced mortality
SB Pollara, JW Becker, BL Nunn, R Boiteau, D Repeta, MC Mudge, ...
MSphere 6 (3), 10.1128/msphere. 00009-21, 2021
Calcareous organic matter coatings sequester siderophores in alkaline soils
RM Boiteau, R Kukkadapu, JB Cliff, CR Smallwood, L Kovarik, MG Wirth, ...
Science of the Total Environment 724, 138250, 2020
Metabolic Interactions between Brachypodium and Pseudomonas fluorescens under Controlled Iron-Limited Conditions
RM Boiteau, LM Markillie, DW Hoyt, D Hu, RK Chu, HD Mitchell, ...
Msystems 6 (1), 10.1128/msystems. 00580-20, 2021
Dynamic proteome response of a marine Vibrio to a gradient of iron and ferrioxamine bioavailability
JM Gauglitz, RM Boiteau, C McLean, L Babcock-Adams, MR McIlvin, ...
Marine Chemistry 229, 103913, 2021
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Articles 1–20