Oiwi Parker Jones
Oiwi Parker Jones
Applied Artificial Intelligence and Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford
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Loanwords in Hawaiian
O Parker Jones
Loanwords in the World's Languages, 771-789, 2009
Task-free MRI predicts individual differences in brain activity during task performance
I Tavor, O Parker Jones, RB Mars, SM Smith, TE Behrens, S Jbabdi
Science 352 (6282), 216-220, 2016
GENESIS: Generative scene inference and sampling with object-centric latent representations
M Engelcke, AR Kosiorek, O Parker Jones, I Posner
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2020
Where, when and why brain activation differs for bilinguals and monolinguals during picture naming and reading aloud
O Parker Jones, DW Green, A Grogan, C Pliatsikas, K Filippopolitis, N Ali, ...
Cerebral Cortex 22 (4), 892-902, 2012
Four functionally distinct regions in the left supramarginal gyrus support word processing
M Oberhuber, TMH Hope, ML Seghier, O Parker Jones, S Prejawa, ...
Cerebral Cortex 26 (11), 4212-4226, 2016
GENESIS-V2: Inferring Unordered Object Representations without Iterative Refinement
M Engelcke, O Parker Jones, I Posner
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021
Indigenous protocol and artificial intelligence position paper
JE Lewis, A Abdilla, N Arista, K Baker, S Benesiinaabandan, M Brown, ...
Indigenous Protocol and Artificial Intelligence Working Group and the …, 2020
Structural correlates for lexical efficiency and number of languages in non-native speakers of English
A Grogan, O Parker Jones, N Ali, J Crinion, S Orabona, ML Mechias, ...
Neuropsychologia 50 (7), 1347-1352, 2012
How right hemisphere damage after stroke can impair speech comprehension
A Gajardo-Vidal, DL Lorca-Puls, TMH Hope, O Parker Jones, ML Seghier, ...
Brain 141 (12), 3389-3404, 2018
Resting connectivity predicts task activation in pre-surgical populations
O Parker Jones, NL Voets, JE Adcock, R Stacey, S Jbabdi
NeuroImage: Clinical 13, 378-385, 2017
An empirical, 21st century evaluation of phrenology
O Parker Jones, F Alfaro-Almagro, S Jbabdi
Cortex 106, 26-35, 2018
Comparing language outcomes in monolingual and bilingual stroke patients
TMH Hope, O Parker Jones, A Grogan, J Crinion, J Rae, L Ruffle, AP Leff, ...
Brain 138 (4), 1070-1083, 2015
Functionally distinct contributions of the anterior and posterior putamen during sublexical and lexical reading
M Oberhuber, O Parker Jones, TMH Hope, S Prejawa, ML Seghier, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7 (787), 1-10, 2013
Dissecting the functional anatomy of auditory word repetition
TMH Hope, S Prejawa, O Parker Jones, M Oberhuber, ML Seghier, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8 (246), 1-17, 2014
Inter-and intrahemispheric connectivity differences when reading Japanese Kanji and Hiragana
KJK Duncan, T Twomey, O Parker Jones, ML Seghier, T Haji, K Sakai, ...
Cerebral Cortex 24 (6), 1601-8, 2014
Regression‐based machine‐learning approaches to predict task activation using resting‐state fMRI
AD Cohen, Z Chen, O Parker Jones, C Niu, Y Wang
Human Brain Mapping 41 (3), 815-826, 2020
Sensory-to-motor integration during auditory repetition: A combined fMRI and lesion study
O Parker Jones, S Prejawa, T Hope, M Oberhuber, ML Seghier, AP Leff, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8 (24), 1-16, 2014
Touching a NeRF: Leveraging neural radiance fields for tactile sensory data generation
S Zhong, A Albini, O Parker Jones, P Maiolino, I Posner
6th Annual Conference on Robot Learning, 2022
Auditory–motor interactions for the production of native and non-native speech
O Parker Jones, ML Seghier, KJK Duncan, AP Leff, DW Green, CJ Price
The Journal of Neuroscience 33 (6), 2376-2387, 2013
Dissociating the semantic function of two neighbouring subregions in the left lateral anterior temporal lobe
A Sanjuán, TMH Hope, O Parker Jones, S Prejawa, M Oberhuber, ...
Neuropsychologia 76, 153-162, 2015
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