Janne Gitmark
Cited by
Cited by
Length, strength and water flow: relative importance of wave and current exposure on morphology in kelp Laminaria hyperborea
T Bekkby, E Rinde, H Gundersen, KM Norderhaug, JK Gitmark, H Christie
Marine Ecology Progress Series 506, 61-70, 2014
Shifts between sugar kelp and turf algae in Norway: regime shifts or fluctuations between different opportunistic seaweed species?
H Christie, GS Andersen, T Bekkby, CW Fagerli, JK Gitmark, H Gundersen, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 72, 2019
Can multitrophic interactions and ocean warming influence large‐scale kelp recovery?
H Christie, H Gundersen, E Rinde, K Filbee‐Dexter, KM Norderhaug, ...
Ecology and evolution 9 (5), 2847-2862, 2019
Effects of climate and eutrophication on the diversity of hard bottom communities on the Skagerrak coast 1990-2010
KM Norderhaug, H Gundersen, A Pedersen, F Moy, N Green, MG Walday, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 530, 29-46, 2015
Variation in population structure and standing stocks of kelp along multiple environmental gradients and implications for ecosystem services
H Gundersen, E Rinde, T Bekkby, K Hancke, JK Gitmark, H Christie
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 578629, 2021
Overvåking av forurensningssituasjonen i Indre Oslofjord 2010
J Berge, R Amundsen, B Bjerkeng, G Borgersen, E Bjerknes, J Gitmark, ...
Norsk institutt for vannforskning, 2011
The abundance of kelp is modified by the combined impact of depth, waves and currents
T Bekkby, C Smit, H Gundersen, E Rinde, H Steen, L Tveiten, JK Gitmark, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 475, 2019
A snap shot of the short-term response of crustaceans to macrophyte detritus in the deep Oslofjord
E Ramirez-Llodra, E Rinde, H Gundersen, H Christie, CW Fagerli, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 23800, 2016
Lithothamnion (Hapalidiales, Rhodophyta) in the changing Arctic and Subarctic: DNA sequencing of type and recent specimens provides a systematics foundation
V Peña, D Bélanger, P Gagnon, JL Richards, L Le Gall, JR Hughey, ...
European journal of phycology 56 (4), 468-493, 2021
Overvåking av Indre Oslofjord i 2011-Vedleggsrapport
JA Berge, R Amundsen, K Bergland, B Bjerkeng, J Gitmark, J Gjøsæter, ...
Norsk institutt for vannforskning, 2012
Sluttrapport fra Sukkertareprosjektet 2005-2008
F Moy, H Christie, H Steen, P Stålnacke, D Aksnes, E Alve, J Aure, ...
NIVA rapport 5709, 34, 2009
Top-down release of mesopredatory fish is a weaker structuring driver of temperate rocky shore communities than bottom-up nutrient enrichment
P Kraufvelin, H Christie, JK Gitmark
Marine Biology 167 (4), 49, 2020
Efficient coralline algal psbA mini barcoding and High Resolution Melt (HRM) analysis using a simple custom DNA preparation
MB Anglès d’Auriac, L Le Gall, V Peña, JM Hall-Spencer, RS Steneck, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 578, 2019
Undersøkelse av hydrografiske og biologiske forhold i Indre Oslofjord Årsrapport 2022
A Staalstrøm, T Gomes, J Gitmark, A Engesmo, G Borgersen, ...
NIVA-rapport, 2023
Sluttrapport fra sukkertareprosjektet
F Moy, H Christie, H Steen, P Stålnacke, D Aksnes, E Alve, J Aure, ...
STF-rapport TA-2467, 2008
Overvåking av Ytre Oslofjord i 2014-2018. 5-årsrapport
MG Walday, G Borgersen, B Beylich, W Eikrem, JK Gitmark, LJ Naustvoll, ...
NIVA-rapport, 2019
Overvåking av Ytre Oslofjord 2009, Rapport L
M Walday, J Gitmark, L Naustvoll, K Norling, JR Selvik, K Sørensen
Nr, 2010
Identifying rocky seabed using GIS-modeled predictor variables
T Bekkby, FE Moy, T Kroglund, JK Gitmark, M Walday, E Rinde, ...
Marine Geodesy 32 (4), 379-390, 2009
Forslag til forvaltningsrelevante marine naturenheter
T Bekkby, E Rinde, E Oug, P Buhl-Mortensen, J Thormar, M Dolan, ...
NIVA-rapport, 2021
Langtidsovervåking av miljøkvaliteten i kystområdene av Norge. Kystovervåkingsprogrammet. Datarapport 2010
KM Norderhaug, HC Trannum, AB Ledang, B Bjerkeng, E Dahl, ...
Norsk institutt for vannforskning, 2011
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Articles 1–20