Lukas Landler
Cited by
Cited by
Circular data in biology: advice for effectively implementing statistical procedures
L Landler, GD Ruxton, EP Malkemper
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 72, 1-10, 2018
Pesticides in ambient air, influenced by surrounding land use and weather, pose a potential threat to biodiversity and humans
JG Zaller, M Kruse-Plaß, U Schlechtriemen, E Gruber, M Peer, I Nadeem, ...
Science of the Total Environment 838, 156012, 2022
The Hermans–Rasson test as a powerful alternative to the Rayleigh test for circular statistics in biology
L Landler, GD Ruxton, EP Malkemper
BMC ecology 19, 1-8, 2019
A putative mechanism for magnetoreception by electromagnetic induction in the pigeon inner ear
S Nimpf, GC Nordmann, D Kagerbauer, EP Malkemper, L Landler, ...
Current Biology 29 (23), 4052-4059. e4, 2019
The biophysical, molecular, and anatomical landscape of pigeon CRY4: A candidate light-based quantal magnetosensor
T Hochstoeger, T Al Said, D Maestre, F Walter, A Vilceanu, M Pedron, ...
Science advances 6 (33), eabb9110, 2020
Advice on comparing two independent samples of circular data in biology
L Landler, GD Ruxton, EP Malkemper
Scientific reports 11 (1), 20337, 2021
Rapid learning of magnetic compass direction by C57BL/6 mice in a 4-armed ‘plus’ water maze
JB Phillips, PW Youmans, R Muheim, KA Sloan, L Landler, MS Painter, ...
PLoS One 8 (8), e73112, 2013
Global trends in woodpecker cavity entrance orientation: latitudinal and continental effects suggest regional climate influence
L Landler, MA Jusino, S James, JR Walters
Acta Ornithologica 49 (2), 257–266, 2014
Homing trajectories and initial orientation in a Neotropical territorial frog, Allobates femoralis (Dendrobatidae)
A Pašukonis, MC Loretto, L Landler, M Ringler, W Hödl
Frontiers in zoology 11, 1-9, 2014
Mutations in MAST1 cause mega-corpus-callosum syndrome with cerebellar hypoplasia and cortical malformations
R Tripathy, I Leca, T van Dijk, J Weiss, BW van Bon, MC Sergaki, ...
Neuron 100 (6), 1354-1368. e5, 2018
Spontaneous magnetic alignment by yearling snapping turtles: rapid association of radio frequency dependent pattern of magnetic input with novel surroundings
L Landler, MS Painter, PW Youmans, WA Hopkins, JB Phillips
PLoS One 10 (5), e0124728, 2015
Mutations in Vps15 perturb neuronal migration in mice and are associated with neurodevelopmental disease in humans
T Gstrein, A Edwards, A Přistoupilová, I Leca, M Breuss, S Pilat-Carotta, ...
Nature neuroscience 21 (2), 207-217, 2018
Shifted magnetic alignment in vertebrates: Evidence for neural lateralization?
EP Malkemper, MS Painter, L Landler
Journal of theoretical biology 399, 141-147, 2016
Grouped circular data in biology: advice for effectively implementing statistical procedures
L Landler, GD Ruxton, EP Malkemper
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74, 1-8, 2020
The multivariate analysis of variance as a powerful approach for circular data
L Landler, GD Ruxton, EP Malkemper
Movement Ecology 10 (1), 21, 2022
Magnetic orientation of the Common Toad: establishing an arena approach for adult anurans
L Landler, G Gollmann
Frontiers in Zoology 8, 1-9, 2011
Comment on "Magnetosensitive neurons mediate geomagnetic orientation in Caenorhabditis elegans"
L Landler, S Nimpf, T Hochstoeger, GC Nordmann, ...
Elife 7, e30187, 2018
High levels of maternally transferred mercury disrupt magnetic responses of snapping turtle hatchlings (Chelydra serpentina)
L Landler, MS Painter, BH Coe, PW Youmans, WA Hopkins, JB Phillips
Environmental Pollution 228, 19-25, 2017
A high sensitivity ZENK monoclonal antibody to map neuronal activity in Aves
GC Nordmann, EP Malkemper, L Landler, L Ushakova, S Nimpf, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 915, 2020
Cryptochrome: The magnetosensor with a sinister side?
L Landler, DA Keays
PLOS Biology 16 (10), e3000018, 2018
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Articles 1–20