Estevao Alves Silva, Researcher
Estevao Alves Silva, Researcher
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Loss and gains in ant–plant interactions mediated by extrafloral nectar: fidelity, cheats, and lies
K Del-Claro, V Rico-Gray, HM Torezan-Silingardi, E Alves-Silva, ...
Insectes Sociaux 63, 207-221, 2016
Effect of post-fire resprouting on leaf fluctuating asymmetry, extrafloral nectar quality, and ant–plant–herbivore interactions
E Alves-Silva, K Del-Claro
Naturwissenschaften 100, 525-532, 2013
Foraging behavior of Brachygastra lecheguana (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) on Banisteriopsis malifolia (Malpighiaceae): Extrafloral nectar consumption and …
E Alves‐Silva, GJ Barônio, HM Torezan‐Silingardi, K Del‐Claro
Entomological Science 16 (2), 162-169, 2013
Fire effects on understory forest regeneration in southern Amazonia
NCCS Prestes, KG Massi, EA Silva, DS Nogueira, EA de Oliveira, ...
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 3, 10, 2020
Oferta qualitativa e quantitativa de frutos em espécies ornitocóricas do gênero Miconia (Melastomataceae)
PKM Mendonça, EA Silva, C Melo
Revista Brasileira de Biociências 5 (S1), 672-674, 2007
Ant–herbivore interactions in an extrafloral nectaried plant: are ants good plant guards against curculionid beetles?
E Alves-Silva, A Bächtold, GJ Barônio, HM Torezan-Silingardi, ...
Journal of natural history 49 (13-14), 841-851, 2015
Fire triggers the activity of extrafloral nectaries, but ants fail to protect the plant against herbivores in a neotropical savanna
E Alves-Silva, K Del-Claro
Arthropod-Plant Interactions 8, 233-240, 2014
The effect of fluctuating asymmetry and leaf nutrients on gall abundance and survivorship
JC Santos, E Alves-Silva, TG Cornelissen, GW Fernandes
Basic and Applied Ecology 14 (6), 489-495, 2013
On the inability of ants to protect their plant partners and the effect of herbivores on different stages of plant reproduction
E Alves‐Silva, K Del‐Claro
Austral Ecology 41 (3), 263-272, 2016
Post fire resprouting of Banisteriopsis malifolia (Malpighiaceae) and the role of extrafloral nectaries on the associated ant fauna in a Brazilian Savanna
E Alves-Silva
Sociobiology 58 (2), 327, 2011
Herbivory-induced stress: leaf developmental instability is caused by herbivore damage in early stages of leaf development
E Alves-Silva, K Del-Claro
Ecological Indicators 61, 359-365, 2016
Quantification of four different post-dispersal seed deposition patterns after dung beetle activity
RF Braga, R Carvalho, E Andresen, DV Anjos, E Alves-Silva, J Louzada
Journal of Tropical Ecology 33 (6), 407-410, 2017
The role of tending ants in host plant selection and egg parasitism of two facultative myrmecophilous butterflies
A Bächtold, E Alves-Silva, LA Kaminski, K Del-Claro
Naturwissenschaften 101, 913-919, 2014
Behavioral strategy of a lycaenid (Lepidoptera) caterpillar against aggressive ants in a Brazilian savanna
A Bächtold, E Alves-Silva
acta ethologica 16, 83-90, 2013
How many leaves are enough? The influence of sample size on estimates of plant developmental instability and leaf asymmetry
E Alves-Silva, JC Santos, TG Cornelissen
Ecological Indicators 89, 912-924, 2018
Influence of Camponotus blandus (Formicinae) and flower buds on the occurrence of Parrhasius polibetes (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in Banisteriopsis malifolia (Malpighiaceae)
E Alves-Silva, A Bächtold, GJ Barônio, K Del-Claro
Sociobiology 60 (1), 30-34, 2013
Parasites in the neighbourhood: Interactions of the mistletoe Phoradendron affine (Viscaceae) with its dispersers and hosts in urban areas of Brazil
PK Maruyama, C Mendes-Rodrigues, E Alves-Silva, AF Cunha
Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants, 2012
Thrips in the Neotropics: what do we know so far
E Alves-Silva, K Del-Claro
Trends in Entomology 6 (1), 77-88, 2010
The influence of Ditylenchus (Nematoda) galls and shade on the fluctuating asymmetry of Miconia fallax (Melastomataceae)
E Alves-Silva
Ecología Austral 22, 53-61, 2012
Ants, plant characteristics and habitat conservation status affect the occurrence of myrmecophilous butterflies on an extrafloral nectaried Malpighiaceae
A Bächtold, EA Silva, K Del-Claro
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 51 (2), 112-120, 2016
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Articles 1–20