Todd A. Ontl
Todd A. Ontl
USDA Forest Service
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Soil carbon storage
TA Ontl, LA Schulte
Nature Education Knowledge 3 (10), 2012
Forest management for carbon sequestration and climate adaptation
TA Ontl, MK Janowiak, CW Swanston, J Daley, S Handler, M Cornett, ...
Journal of Forestry 118 (1), 86-101, 2020
J Angel, C Swanston, B Mayes Boustead, K Conlon, K Hall, J Jorns, ...
Vulnerability of forests of the Midwest and Northeast United States to climate change
C Swanston, LA Brandt, MK Janowiak, SD Handler, P Butler-Leopold, ...
Climatic Change 146, 103-116, 2018
Age-related deficits in mice performing working memory tasks in a water maze.
KR Magnusson, B Scruggs, J Aniya, KC Wright, T Ontl, Y Xing, L Bai
Behavioral neuroscience 117 (3), 485, 2003
Factors influencing soil aggregation and particulate organic matter responses to bioenergy crops across a topographic gradient
TA Ontl, CA Cambardella, LA Schulte, RK Kolka
Geoderma 255, 1-11, 2015
Fine-root growth in a forested bog is seasonally dynamic, but shallowly distributed in nutrient-poor peat
PJH Colleen M. Iversen, Joanne Childs, Richard J. Norby, Todd A. Ontl ...
Plant and Soil, 2017
Cloning and sequence analysis of a catechol 2,3-dioxygenase gene from the nitrobenzene-degrading strain Comamonas sp JS765
RE Parales, TA Ontl, DT Gibson
Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 19 (5-6), 385-391, 1997
Development and aging of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor expression in the prefrontal/frontal cortex of mice
T Ontl, Y Xing, L Bai, E Kennedy, S Nelson, M Wakeman, K Magnusson
Neuroscience 123 (2), 467-479, 2004
Improved forest management as a natural climate solution: A review
L Kaarakka, M Cornett, G Domke, T Ontl, LE Dee
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2 (3), e12090, 2021
Topographic and soil influences on root productivity of three bioenergy cropping systems
TA Ontl, KS Hofmockel, CA Cambardella, LA Schulte, RK Kolka
New Phytologist 199 (3), 727-737, 2013
Genetic characterization of pcpS, encoding the multifunctional phosphopantetheinyl transferase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
N Barekzi, S Joshi, S Irwin, T Ontl, HP Schweizer
Microbiology 150 (4), 795-803, 2004
Adaptation pathways: ecoregion and land ownership influences on climate adaptation decision-making in forest management
PDS Todd A. Ontl, Chris Swanston, Leslie A. Brandt, Patricia R. Butler ...
Climatic Change, 2017
Considering forest and grassland carbon in land management
M Janowiak, WJ Connelly, K Dante-Wood, GM Domke, C Giardina, ...
General Technical Report, Washington Office 95, 2017
Adaptation strategies and approaches for forested watersheds
PD Shannon, CW Swanston, MK Janowiak, SD Handler, KM Schmitt, ...
Climate services 13, 51-64, 2019
Disturbance and management effects on forest soil organic carbon stocks in the Pacific Northwest
LE Nave, K DeLyser, GM Domke, SM Holub, MK Janowiak, B Kittler, ...
Ecological Applications 32 (6), e2611, 2022
Climate change adaptation strategies and approaches for outdoor recreation
D O’Toole, LA Brandt, MK Janowiak, KM Schmitt, PD Shannon, ...
Sustainability 11 (24), 7030, 2019
Soil carbon management
L Nave, E Marín-Spiotta, T Ontl, M Peters, C Swanston
Developments in soil science 36, 215-257, 2019
Climate adaptation actions for urban forests and human health
MK Janowiak, LA Brandt, KL Wolf, M Brady, L Darling, AD Lewis, ...
Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-203. Madison, WI: US Department of Agriculture, Forest …, 2021
Land use and management effects on soil carbon in US Lake States, with emphasis on forestry, fire, and reforestation
LE Nave, K DeLyser, GM Domke, MK Janowiak, TA Ontl, E Sprague, ...
Ecological Applications 31 (6), e02356, 2021
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Articles 1–20