Ngo Anh Vien
Ngo Anh Vien
Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI)
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Inverse KKT: Learning cost functions of manipulation tasks from demonstrations
P Englert, NA Vien, M Toussaint
The International Journal of Robotics Research 36 (13-14), 1474-1488, 2017
Monte Carlo value iteration for continuous-state POMDPs
H Bai, D Hsu, W Lee, V Ngo
Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics IX, 175-191, 2011
Deep learning-based detector for OFDM-IM
T Van Luong, Y Ko, NA Vien, DHN Nguyen, M Matthaiou
IEEE wireless communications letters 8 (4), 1159-1162, 2019
Non-cooperative energy efficient power allocation game in D2D communication: A multi-agent deep reinforcement learning approach
KK Nguyen, TQ Duong, NA Vien, NA Le-Khac, MN Nguyen
IEEE Access 7, 100480-100490, 2019
A deep hierarchical reinforcement learning algorithm in partially observable Markov decision processes
TP Le, NA Vien, TC Chung
Ieee Access 6, 49089-49102, 2018
Distributed deep deterministic policy gradient for power allocation control in D2D-based V2V communications
KK Nguyen, TQ Duong, NA Vien, NA Le-Khac, LD Nguyen
IEEE Access 7, 164533-164543, 2019
Hierarchical Monte-Carlo Planning
NA Vien, M Toussaint
Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2015
Real-time energy harvesting aided scheduling in UAV-assisted D2D networks relying on deep reinforcement learning
KK Nguyen, NA Vien, LD Nguyen, MT Le, L Hanzo, TQ Duong
IEEE Access 9, 3638-3648, 2020
Scalable and interpretable one-class svms with deep learning and random fourier features
MN Nguyen, NA Vien
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2019
Learning via human feedback in continuous state and action spaces
NA Vien, W Ertel
2012 AAAI Fall Symposium Series, Robots Learning Interactively from Human …, 2012
Relational Activity Processes for Modeling Concurrent Cooperation
M Toussaint, T Munzer, Y Mollard, LY Wu, NA Vien, M Lopes
Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics \& Automation (ICRA 2016), 2016
Monte Carlo Tree Search for Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
NA Vien, W Ertel, VH Dang, TC Chung
Applied Intelligence 39 (2), 345-353, 2013
Deep energy autoencoder for noncoherent multicarrier MU-SIMO systems
T Van Luong, Y Ko, NA Vien, M Matthaiou, HQ Ngo
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (6), 3952-3962, 2020
Differentiable trust region layers for deep reinforcement learning
F Otto, P Becker, NA Vien, HC Ziesche, G Neumann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.09207, 2021
What matters for meta-learning vision regression tasks?
N Gao, H Ziesche, NA Vien, M Volpp, G Neumann
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Obstacle avoidance path planning for mobile robot based on multi colony ant algorithm
NH Viet, NA Vien, SG Lee, TC Chung
First International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction …, 2008
Obstacle Avoidance Path Planning for Mobile Robot Based on Ant-Q Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
N Vien, N Viet, SG Lee, TC Chung
Advances in Neural Networks–ISNN 2007, 704-713, 2007
Deep learning-aided multicarrier systems
T Van Luong, Y Ko, M Matthaiou, NA Vien, MT Le, VD Ngo
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (3), 2109-2119, 2020
Deep black-box reinforcement learning with movement primitives
F Otto, O Celik, H Zhou, H Ziesche, VA Ngo, G Neumann
Conference on Robot Learning, 1244-1265, 2023
Deep reinforcement learning algorithms for steering an underactuated ship
A Layek, NA Vien, TC Chung
2017 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for …, 2017
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