Leonard Lion
Leonard Lion
Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University
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Influence of the nature of soil organics on the sorption of toluene and trichloroethylene
DR Garbarini, LW Lion
Environmental science & technology 20 (12), 1263-1269, 1986
Adsorption of Pb and Cd onto metal oxides and organic material in natural surface coatings as determined by selective extractions: new evidence for the importance of Mn and Fe …
D Dong, YM Nelson, LW Lion, ML Shuler, WC Ghiorse
Water Research 34 (2), 427-436, 2000
Trace-metal adsorption characteristics of estuarine particulate matter: evaluation of contributions of iron/manganese oxide and organic surface coatings
LW Lion, RS Altmann, JO Leckie
Environmental Science & Technology 16 (10), 660-666, 1982
Transport of dissolved organic macromolecules and their effect on the transport of phenanthrene in porous media
BR Magee, LW Lion, AT Lemley
Environmental Science & Technology 25 (2), 323-331, 1991
Description of time-varying desorption kinetics: Release of naphthalene from contaminated soils
DF Connaughton, JR Stedinger, LW Lion, ML Shuler
Environmental Science & Technology 27 (12), 2397-2403, 1993
Phosphorus removal by wollastonite: A constructed wetland substrate
AS Brooks, MN Rozenwald, LD Geohring, LW Lion, TS Steenhuis
Ecological Engineering 15 (1-2), 121-132, 2000
Engineered polymeric nanoparticles for soil remediation
W Tungittiplakorn, LW Lion, C Cohen, JY Kim
Environmental science & technology 38 (5), 1605-1610, 2004
Production of Biogenic Mn Oxides by Leptothrix discophora SS-1 in a Chemically Defined Growth Medium and Evaluation of Their Pb Adsorption Characteristics
YM Nelson, LW Lion, WC Ghiorse, ML Shuler
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65 (1), 175-180, 1999
Engineered polymeric nanoparticles for bioremediation of hydrophobic contaminants
W Tungittiplakorn, C Cohen, LW Lion
Environmental Science & Technology 39 (5), 1354-1358, 2005
Mechanisms for trichloroethylene vapor sorption onto soil minerals
SK Ong, LW Lion
Journal of environmental quality 20 (1), 180-188, 1991
Effect of oxide formation mechanisms on lead adsorption by biogenic manganese (hydr) oxides, iron (hydr) oxides, and their mixtures
YM Nelson, LW Lion, ML Shuler, WC Ghiorse
Environmental science & technology 36 (3), 421-425, 2002
Effects of salinity changes and the formation of dissolved organic matter coatings on the sorption of phenanthrene: Implications for pollutant trapping in estuaries
BK Brunk, GH Jirka, LW Lion
Environmental Science & Technology 31 (1), 119-125, 1996
Mobilization of adsorbed cadmium and lead in aquifer material by bacterial extracellular polymers
JH Chen, LW Lion, WC Ghiorse, ML Shuler
Water Research 29 (2), 421-430, 1995
Influence of vapor-phase sorption and diffusion on the fate of trichloroethylene in an unsaturated aquifer system
MS Peterson, LW Lion, CA Shoemaker
Environmental science & technology 22 (5), 571-578, 1988
Effects of soil properties and moisture on the sorption of trichloroethylene vapor
SK Ong, LW Lion
Water Research 25 (1), 29-36, 1991
Kinetics of Mn (II) oxidation by Leptothrix discophora SS1
J Zhang, LW Lion, YM Nelson, ML Shuler, WC Ghiorse
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (5), 773-781, 2002
Functional tomographic fluorescence imaging of pH microenvironments in microbial biofilms by use of silica nanoparticle sensors
G Hidalgo, A Burns, E Herz, AG Hay, PL Houston, U Wiesner, LW Lion
Applied and environmental microbiology 75 (23), 7426-7435, 2009
Evaluation of sorptive partitioning of nonionic pollutants in closed systems by headspace analysis
DR Garbarini, LW Lion
Environmental science & technology 19 (11), 1122-1128, 1985
Lead binding to metal oxide and organic phases of natural aquatic biofilms
YM Nelson, LW Lion, ML Shuler, WC Ghiorse
Limnology and Oceanography 44 (7), 1715-1729, 1999
Structure and carbohydrate analysis of the exopolysaccharide capsule of Pseudomonas putida G7
SC Kachlany, SB Levery, JS Kim, BL Reuhs, LW Lion, WC Ghiorse
Environmental Microbiology 3 (12), 774-784, 2001
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