Nils Johansson
Cited by
Cited by
Critiques of the circular economy
H Corvellec, AF Stowell, N Johansson
Journal of industrial ecology 26 (2), 421-432, 2022
Circular economy running in circles? A discourse analysis of shifts in ideas of circularity in Swedish environmental policy
N Johansson, M Henriksson
Sustainable Production and Consumption 23, 148-156, 2020
An integrated review of concepts and initiatives for mining the technosphere: towards a new taxonomy
N Johansson, J Krook, M Eklund, B Berglund
Journal of Cleaner Production 55, 35-44, 2013
Waste policies gone soft: An analysis of European and Swedish waste prevention plans
N Johansson, H Corvellec
Waste management 77, 322-332, 2018
Transforming dumps into gold mines. Experiences from Swedish case studies
N Johansson, J Krook, M Eklund
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 5, 33-48, 2012
Institutional conditions for Swedish metal production: A comparison of subsidies to metal mining and metal recycling
N Johansson, J Krook, M Eklund
Resources Policy 41, 72-82, 2014
Does the EU’s action plan for a circular economy challenge the linear economy?
N Johansson
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (22), 15001-15003, 2021
Towards clean material cycles: Is there a policy conflict between circular economy and non-toxic environment?
N Johansson, C Velis, H Corvellec
Waste Management & Research 38 (7), 705-707, 2020
The institutional capacity for a resource transition—A critical review of Swedish governmental commissions on landfill mining
N Johansson, J Krook, M Eklund
Environmental Science & Policy 70, 46-53, 2017
Is this the end of end-of-waste? Uncovering the space between waste and products
N Johansson, C Forsgren
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 155, 2020
A new dawn for buried garbage? An investigation of the marketability of previously disposed shredder waste
N Johansson, J Krook, P Frändegård
Waste Management 60, 417-427, 2017
Why is biogas production and not food donation the Swedish political priority for food waste management?
N Johansson
Environmental Science & Policy 126, 60-64, 2021
How to handle the policy conflict between resource circulation and hazardous substances in the use of waste?
N Johansson, J Krook
Journal of Industrial Ecology 25 (4), 994-1008, 2021
A cable laid is a cable played: On the hibernation logic behind urban infrastructure mines
B Wallsten, N Johansson, J Krook
Journal of Urban Technology 20 (3), 85-103, 2013
Experimentalizing the organization of objects: Re-enacting mines and landfills
N Johansson, J Metzger
Organization 23 (6), 840-863, 2016
Cost-benefit analysis of two possible deposit-refund systems for reuse and recycling of plastic packaging in Sweden
Z Lu, L Hasselström, G Finnveden, N Johansson
Cleaner Waste Systems 3, 100048, 2022
Landfill mining: Institutional challenges for the implementation of resource extraction from waste deposits
N Johansson
Linköping University Electronic Press, 2016
Disaster Capitalism, COVID-19, and Single-Use Plastic
N Johansson
Antipode Online, 2021
How can conflicts, complexities and uncertainties in a circular economy be handled?
N Johansson
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2018
Why don’t we mine the landfills?
N Johansson
Linköping University Electronic Press, 2013
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Articles 1–20