Zhenyu Zhang
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Cited by
Gradients Do Grow on Trees: A Linear-Time O(N)-Dimensional Gradient for Statistical Phylogenetics
X Ji, Z Zhang, A Holbrook, A Nishimura, G Baele, A Rambaut, P Lemey, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 37 (10), 3047-3060, 2020
Large-scale inference of correlation among mixed-type biological traits with phylogenetic multivariate probit models
Z Zhang, A Nishimura, P Bastide, X Ji, RP Payne, P Goulder, P Lemey, ...
Relaxed random walks at scale
AA Fisher, X Ji, Z Zhang, P Lemey, MA Suchard
Systematic Biology 70 (2), 258-267, 2021
Data integration in Bayesian phylogenetics
GW Hassler, AF Magee, Z Zhang, G Baele, P Lemey, X Ji, M Fourment, ...
Annual review of statistics and its application 10 (1), 353-377, 2023
Reducing ER use through a trainee-designed, interprofessional care group for high-utilizing chronically ill patients: A pilot program
L Schuttner, Z Zhang, A Kuo
Journal of interprofessional education & practice 9, 86-90, 2017
Domain adaptation using convolutional autoencoder and gradient boosting for adverse events prediction in the intensive care unit
Y Zhu, J Venugopalan, Z Zhang, NK Chanani, KO Maher, MD Wang
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5, 640926, 2022
Accelerating Bayesian inference of dependency between mixed-type biological traits
Z Zhang, A Nishimura, NS Trovão, JL Cherry, AJ Holbrook, X Ji, P Lemey, ...
PLoS computational biology 19 (8), e1011419, 2023
Hamiltonian zigzag sampler got more momentum than its markovian counterpart: Equivalence of two zigzags under a momentum refreshment limit
A Nishimura, Z Zhang, MA Suchard
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.07694, 2021
Characterization of T cell immunophenotypes in intestinal transplantation: a pilot study
MAR Guerra, M Rossetti, Z Zhang, X Zhou, EC Whang, RS Venick, ...
Transplant immunology 51, 50-57, 2018
Dispersal history and bidirectional human-fish host switching of invasive, hypervirulent Streptococcus agalactiae sequence type 283
D Schar, Z Zhang, J Pires, B Vrancken, MA Suchard, P Lemey, M Ip, ...
PLOS Global Public Health 3 (10), e0002454, 2023
hdtg: An R package for high-dimensional truncated normal simulation
Z Zhang, A Chin, A Nishimura, MA Suchard
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.01097, 2022
Zigzag path connects two Monte Carlo samplers: Hamiltonian counterpart to a piecewise deterministic Markov process
A Nishimura, Z Zhang, MA Suchard
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-13, 2024
Large-scale Inference of Correlation between Complex Biological Traits
Z Zhang
University of California, Los Angeles, 2022
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Articles 1–13