Takashi Kitagawa
Takashi Kitagawa
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, Univ of Tokyo
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Effect of ambient temperature on the vertical distribution and movement of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus orientalis
T Kitagawa, H Nakata, S Kimura, T Itoh, S Tsuji, A Nitta
Marine Ecology Progress Series 206, 251-260, 2000
Diving behavior of immature, feeding Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus orientalis) in relation to season and area: the East China Sea and the Kuroshio …
T Kitagawa, S Kimura, H Nakata, H Yamada
Fisheries Oceanography 13 (3), 161-180, 2004
Horizontal and vertical movements of juvenile bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) in relation to seasons and oceanographic conditions in the eastern Pacific Ocean
T Kitagawa, AM Boustany, CJ Farwell, TD Williams, MR Castleton, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 16 (5), 409-421, 2007
Effect of El Niño on migration and larval transport of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica)
H Kim, S Kimura, A Shinoda, T Kitagawa, Y Sasai, H Sasaki
ICES Journal of Marine Science 64 (7), 1387-1395, 2007
Thermoconservation mechanisms inferred from peritoneal cavity temperature in free-swimming Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus orientalis
T Kitagawa, H Nakata, S Kimura, S Tsuji
Marine Ecology Progress Series 220, 253-263, 2001
Thermal adaptation of pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis to temperate waters
T Kitagawa, S Kimura, H Nakata, H Yamada
Fisheries Science 72, 149-156, 2006
The effects of seasonal and interannual variability of oceanic structure in the western Pacific North Equatorial Current on larval transport of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica
K Zenimoto, T Kitagawa, S Miyazaki, Y Sasai, H Sasaki, S Kimura
Journal of fish biology 74 (9), 1878-1890, 2009
Otolith δ18O of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis as an indicator of ambient water temperature
T Kitagawa, T Ishimura, R Uozato, K Shirai, Y Amano, A Shinoda, T Otake, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 481, 199-209, 2013
Feeding, condition, and abundance of Japanese eels from natural and revetment habitats in the Tone River, Japan
H Itakura, T Kaino, Y Miyake, T Kitagawa, S Kimura
Environmental biology of fishes 98, 1871-1888, 2015
The restricted spawning area and season of Pacific bluefin tuna facilitate use of nursery areas: a modeling approach to larval and juvenile dispersal processes
T Kitagawa, Y Kato, MJ Miller, Y Sasai, H Sasaki, S Kimura
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 393 (1-2), 23-31, 2010
Site fidelity, diel and seasonal activities of yellow‐phase Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) in a freshwater habitat as inferred from acoustic telemetry
H Itakura, Y Miyake, T Kitagawa, S Kimura
Ecology of freshwater fish 27 (3), 737-751, 2018
Impacts of environmental variability and global warming scenario on Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) spawning grounds and recruitment habitat
S Kimura, Y Kato, T Kitagawa, N Yamaoka
Progress in Oceanography 86 (1-2), 39-44, 2010
Declines in catches of Japanese eels in rivers and lakes across Japan: Have river and lake modifications reduced fishery catches?
H Itakura, T Kitagawa, MJ Miller, S Kimura
Landscape and ecological engineering 11, 147-160, 2015
Spatial and temporal variability in the trans-Pacific migration of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) revealed by archival tags
K Fujioka, H Fukuda, Y Tei, S Okamoto, H Kiyofuji, S Furukawa, J Takagi, ...
Progress in Oceanography 162, 52-65, 2018
Northward migration dynamics of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) associated with the lower thermal limit in the western Pacific Ocean
H Kiyofuji, Y Aoki, J Kinoshita, S Okamoto, M Masujima, T Matsumoto, ...
Progress in Oceanography 175, 55-67, 2019
Why do young Pacific bluefin tuna repeatedly dive to depths through the thermocline?
T Kitagawa, S Kimura, H Nakata, H Yamada
Fisheries Science 73, 98-106, 2007
Vertical movements of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) and dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) relative to the thermocline in the northern East China Sea
S Furukawa, Y Tsuda, GN Nishihara, K Fujioka, S Ohshimo, S Tomoe, ...
Fisheries Research 149, 86-91, 2014
Trans-Pacific dispersal of loggerhead turtle hatchlings inferred from numerical simulation modeling
J Okuyama, T Kitagawa, K Zenimoto, S Kimura, N Arai, Y Sasai, H Sasaki
Marine Biology 158, 2055-2063, 2011
Immature Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, utilizes cold waters in the Subarctic Frontal Zone for trans-Pacific migration
T Kitagawa, S Kimura, H Nakata, H Yamada, A Nitta, Y Sasai, H Sasaki
Environmental biology of fishes 84, 193-196, 2009
Stable isotope analysis of two species of anguilliform leptocephali (Anguilla japonica and Ariosoma major) relative to their feeding depth in the North Equatorial …
S Miyazaki, HY Kim, K Zenimoto, T Kitagawa, MJ Miller, S Kimura
Marine biology 158, 2555-2564, 2011
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