Alison Munson PhD
Alison Munson PhD
Centre d'étude de la forêt, Université Laval
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The root of the matter: Linking root traits and soil organic matter stabilization processes
V Poirier, C Roumet, AD Munson
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 120, 246-259, 2018
A systematic literature review of the supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model application with special attention to environmental issues
EN Ntabe, L LeBel, AD Munson, LA Santa-Eulalia
International Journal of Production Economics 169, 310-332, 2015
Traits to stay, traits to move: a review of functional traits to assess sensitivity and adaptive capacity of temperate and boreal trees to climate change
I Aubin, AD Munson, F Cardou, PJ Burton, N Isabel, JH Pedlar, ...
Environmental Reviews 24 (2), 164-186, 2016
Impact of precommercial thinning in balsam fir stands on soil nitrogen dynamics, microbial biomass, decomposition, and foliar nutrition
L Thibodeau, P Raymond, C Camiré, AD Munson
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30 (2), 229-238, 2000
Soil enzyme inhibition by condensed litter tannins may drive ecosystem structure and processes: the case of Kalmia angustifolia
GD Joanisse, RL Bradley, CM Preston, AD Munson
New Phytologist 175 (3), 535-546, 2007
Fine-root traits in the global spectrum of plant form and function
CP Carmona, CG Bueno, A Toussaint, S Träger, S Díaz, M Moora, ...
Nature 597 (7878), 683-687, 2021
Intensive silvicultural treatment: impacts on soil fertility and planted conifer response
AD Munson, HA Margolis, DG Brand
Soil Science Society of America Journal 57 (1), 246-255, 1993
Foliar absorption of dew influences shoot water potential and root growth in Pinus strobus seedlings
JF Boucher, AD Munson, PY Bernier
Tree Physiology 15 (12), 819-823, 1995
Response of northeastern North American forests to climate change: Will soil conditions constrain tree species migration?
B Lafleur, D Pare, AD Munson, Y Bergeron
Environmental Reviews 18 (NA), 279-289, 2010
Harvesting intensity at clear‐felling in the boreal forest: impact on soil and foliar nutrient status
E Thiffault, D Paré, N Bélanger, A Munson, F Marquis
Soil Science Society of America Journal 70 (2), 691-701, 2006
Spatial patterns of soil microclimate, light, regeneration, and growth within silvicultural gaps of mixed tolerant hardwood white pine stands
P Raymond, AD Munson, JC Ruel, KD Coates
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (3), 639-651, 2006
The influence of partial harvesting and forest floor disturbance on nutrient availability and understory vegetation in boreal mixedwoods
BR Frey, VJ Lieffers, AD Munson, PV Blenis
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33 (7), 1180-1188, 2003
Soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stocks and dynamics under disturbed black spruce forests
CK Smith, MR Coyea, AD Munson
Ecological Applications 10 (3), 775-788, 2000
Chemical composition of forest floor and consequences for nutrient availability after wildfire and harvesting in the boreal forest
E Thiffault, KD Hannam, SA Quideau, D Paré, N Bélanger, SW Oh, ...
Plant and Soil 308, 37-53, 2008
Site-specific growth and nutrition of planted Picea mariana in the Ontario Clay Belt. IV. Nitrogen loading response
VR Timmer, AD Munson
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 21 (7), 1058-1065, 1991
Do temperate tree species diversity and identity influence soil microbial community function and composition?
R Khlifa, A Paquette, C Messier, PB Reich, AD Munson
Ecology and evolution 7 (19), 7965-7974, 2017
Black spruce seedlings in a Kalmia Vaccinium association: microsite manipulation to explore interactions in the field
N Thiffault, BD Titus, AD Munson
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34 (8), 1657-1668, 2004
Soil microbial community response to silvicultural intervention in coniferous plantation ecosystems
R Ohtonen, A Munson, D Brand
Ecological Applications 2 (4), 363-375, 1992
Performance and physiology of large containerized and bare-root spruce seedlings in relation to scarification and competition in Québec (Canada)
N Thiffault, R Jobidon, AD Munson
Annals of Forest Science 60 (7), 645-655, 2003
Seasonal nutrient dynamics in white pine and white spruce in response to environmental manipulation
AD Munson, HA Margolis, DG Brand
Tree Physiology 15 (3), 141-149, 1995
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Articles 1–20