Hilary Barker (Bultman)
Hilary Barker (Bultman)
Senior Research Analyst, WTCS
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Cited by
Independent and interactive effects of plant genotype and environment on plant traits and insect herbivore performance: a meta‐analysis with Salicaceae
HL Barker, LM Holeski, RL Lindroth
Functional Ecology 33 (3), 422-435, 2019
Genotypic variation in plant traits shapes herbivorous insect and ant communities on a foundation tree species
HL Barker, LM Holeski, RL Lindroth
PloS one 13 (7), e0200954, 2018
Terrestrial deposition of aquatic insects increases plant quality for insect herbivores and herbivore density.
H Bultman, D Hoekman, J Dreyer, C Gratton
Ecological entomology 39 (4), 2014
Linking plant genes to insect communities: Identifying the genetic bases of plant traits and community composition
HL Barker, JF Riehl, C Bernhardsson, KF Rubert‐Nason, LM Holeski, ...
Molecular ecology 28 (19), 4404-4421, 2019
Growing up aspen: ontogeny and trade-offs shape growth, defence and reproduction in a foundation species
CT Cole, CJ Morrow, HL Barker, KF Rubert-Nason, JFL Riehl, TG Köllner, ...
Annals of Botany 127 (4), 505-517, 2021
Host genetics and environment shape fungal pathogen incidence on a foundation forest tree species, Populus tremuloides
HL Barker, D Smith, G Stanosz, RL Lindroth
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2016
Genomic and transcriptomic analyses reveal polygenic architecture for ecologically important traits in aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.)
JFL Riehl, CT Cole, CJ Morrow, HL Barker, C Bernhardsson, ...
Ecology and Evolution 13 (10), e10541, 2023
Using data to cultivate a culture of evidence: Case studies from two states
B Konruff, H Barker, A Foster, G Weber
New Directions for Community Colleges 2023 (201), 67-77, 2023
Genomic and transcriptomic analyses reveal polygenic architecture for ecologically-important functional traits in aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.)
J Lind-Riehl, C Cole, C Morrow, H Barker, C Bernhardsson, ...
H Barker, WSSC Team
How are canopy insect communities structured by tree trait and genetic variation?
H Barker, JF Riehl, L Holeski, P Ingvarsson, RL Lindroth
2018 North Central Branch Meeting, 2018
Linking Plant Genetics and Environment to Associated Insect Species and Community Composition
HL Barker
The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018
The WisAsp resource for community genetics research: 1. Genotypic variation in an iconic forest tree species
RL Lindroth, H Barker, JF Riehl
101st ESA Annual Meeting (August 7--12, 2016), 2016
The WisAsp resource for community genetics research: 2. The role of leaf phenology in shaping insect communities
H Barker, JF Riehl, LM Holeski, P Ingvarsson, RL Lindroth
101st ESA Annual Meeting (August 7--12, 2016), 2016
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Articles 1–14