Jessica Windh
Jessica Windh
Assistant Professor, Extension Specialist, Agricultural Economics, University of Idaho
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Cited by
Rancher-reported efficacy of lethal and non-lethal livestock predation mitigation strategies for a suite of carnivores
JD Scasta, B Stam, JL Windh
Scientific reports 7 (1), 14105, 2017
Validation of DNA metabarcoding of fecal samples using cattle fed known rations
JD Scasta, T Jorns, JD Derner, S Lake, DJ Augustine, JL Windh, TL Smith
Animal Feed Science and Technology 255, 114219, 2019
Economic cost analysis of continuous-season-long versus rotational grazing systems
JL Windh, JP Ritten, JD Derner, SI Paisley, BP Lee
Western Economics Forum 17 (1), 62-72, 2019
Drought consequences for cow-calf production in Wyoming: 2011—2014
JD Scasta, JL Windh, T Smith, B Baumgartner
Rangelands 37 (5), 171-177, 2015
Modeling large carnivore and ranch attribute effects on livestock predation and nonlethal losses
JD Scasta, JL Windh, B Stam
Rangeland Ecology & Management 71 (6), 815-826, 2018
Contemporary livestock–predator themes identified through a Wyoming, USA rancher survey
JL Windh, B Stam, JD Scasta
Rangelands 41 (2), 94-101, 2019
Effects of long-term cattle market conditions on continuous season-long and rotational grazing system revenues
JL Windh, JP Ritten, JD Derner, S Paisley, B Lee
The Rangeland Journal 42 (3), 227-231, 2020
Author Correction: Rancher-reported efficacy of lethal and non-lethal livestock predation mitigation strategies for a suite of carnivores
JD Scasta, B Stam, JL Windh
Scientific Reports 8, 2018
A Bio-Economic Modeling Analysis of Livestock Grazing on Rangelands Utilizing a Supplementary Grazing Resource
JL Windh
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2023
An Economic Evaluation of Season-long Continuous and Rotational Grazing Systems in Northern Colorado
JL Windh
University of Wyoming, 2019
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Articles 1–10