Walter P. Carson
Walter P. Carson
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On the formation of dense understory layers in forests worldwide: consequences and implications for forest dynamics, biodiversity, and succession
AA Royo, WP Carson
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (6), 1345-1362, 2006
Treefall gaps and the maintenance of species diversity in a tropical forest
SA Schnitzer, WP Carson
Ecology 82 (4), 913-919, 2001
The impact of lianas on tree regeneration in tropical forest canopy gaps: evidence for an alternative pathway of gap‐phase regeneration
SA Schnitzer, JW Dalling, WP Carson
Journal of Ecology 88 (4), 655-666, 2000
Overcompensation by plants: herbivore optimization or red herring?
AJ Belsky, WP Carson, CL Jensen, GA Fox
Evolutionary Ecology 7, 109-121, 1993
Herbivory and plant species coexistence: community regulation by an outbreaking phytophagous insect
WP Carson, RB Root
Ecological monographs 70 (1), 73-99, 2000
The role of litter in an old-field community: impact of litter quantity in different seasons on plant species richness and abundance
WP Carson, CJ Peterson
Oecologia 85, 8-13, 1990
Lianas suppress tree regeneration and diversity in treefall gaps
SA Schnitzer, WP Carson
Ecology letters 13 (7), 849-857, 2010
Microsite variation and soil dynamics within newly created treefall pits and mounds
CJ Peterson, WP Carson, BC McCarthy, STA Pickett
Oikos 58 (1), 39-46, 1990
Pervasive interactions between ungulate browsers and disturbance regimes promote temperate forest herbaceous diversity
AA Royo, R Collins, MB Adams, C Kirschbaum, WP Carson
Ecology 91 (1), 93-105, 2010
Succession in old-field plant communities: effects of contrasting types of nutrient enrichment
WP Carson, GW Barrett
Ecology 69 (4), 984-994, 1988
Plant density determines species richness along an experimental fertility gradient
MHH Stevens, WP Carson
Ecology 80 (2), 455-465, 1999
Role of resources and disturbance in the organization of an old-field plant community
WP Carson, STA Pickett
Ecology 71 (1), 226-238, 1990
Historic disturbance regimes promote tree diversity only under low browsing regimes in eastern deciduous forest
T Nuttle, AA Royo, MB Adams, WP Carson
Ecological Monographs 83 (1), 3-17, 2013
Resource quantity, not resource heterogeneity, maintains plant diversity
MHH Stevens, WP Carson
Ecology Letters 5 (3), 420-426, 2002
Top-down effects of insect herbivores during early succession: influence on biomass and plant dominance
WP Carson, RB Root
Oecologia 121, 260-272, 1999
Tropical forest community ecology
WP Carson, SA and Schnitzer
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2008
The impact of deer on relationships between tree growth and mortality in an old-growth beech-maple forest
ZT Long, TH Pendergast IV, WP Carson
Forest Ecology and Management 252 (1), 230-238, 2007
Challenges associated with testing and falsifying the Janzen-Connell Hypothesis: a review and critique
WP Carson, JT Anderson, EG Leigh, SA Schnitzer
Tropical forest community ecology (WP Carson and SA Schnitzer, editors), 210-241, 2008
Establishment limitation reduces species recruitment and species richness as soil resources rise
M Henry, H Stevens, DE Bunker, SA Schnitzer, WP Carson
Journal of Ecology, 339-347, 2004
Weak competition among tropical tree seedlings: implications for species coexistence
CET Paine, KE Harms, SA Schnitzer, WP Carson
Biotropica 40 (4), 432-440, 2008
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Articles 1–20