Ashish B. George
Ashish B. George
Broad institute of MIT and Harvard
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Cited by
Complementary resource preferences spontaneously emerge in diauxic microbial communities
Z Wang, A Goyal, V Dubinkina, AB George, T Wang, Y Fridman, S Maslov
Nature communications 12 (1), 6661, 2021
Pinned, locked, pushed, and pulled traveling waves in structured environments
CH Wang*, S Matin*, AB George*, KS Korolev
Theoretical population biology 127, 102-119, 2019
Universal abundance fluctuations across microbial communities, tropical forests, and urban populations
AB George, J O’Dwyer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (44), e2215832120, 2023
Chirality provides a direct fitness advantage and facilitates intermixing in cellular aggregates
A B. George, KS Korolev
PLoS computational biology 14 (12), e1006645, 2018
Sparsity of higher-order landscape interactions enables learning and prediction for microbiomes
S Arya*, AB George*, JP O’Dwyer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (48), e2307313120, 2023
Ecological landscapes guide the assembly of optimal microbial communities
AB George, KS Korolev
PLOS Computational Biology 19 (1), e1010570, 2023
Protein cost minimization promotes the emergence of coenzyme redundancy
JE Goldford, AB George, AI Flamholz, D Segrč
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (14), e2110787119, 2022
Functional convergence in slow-growing microbial communities arises from thermodynamic constraints
AB George, T Wang, S Maslov
The ISME Journal 17 (9), 1482-1494, 2023
Traveling fronts in self-replicating persistent random walks with multiple internal states
K Ishihara, AB George, R Cornelius, KS Korolev
New Journal of Physics 22 (8), 083034, 2020
Functional universality in slow-growing microbial communities arises from thermodynamic constraints
AB George, T Wang, S Maslov
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.06128, 2022
Protein cost minimization promotes the emergence of coenzyme redundancy
JE Goldford, AB George, AI Flamholz, D Segrč
bioRxiv, 2021.05. 17.444566, 2021
Higher-Order Interactions in Auxotroph Communities Enhance Their Resilience to Resource Fluctuations
T Wang, AB George, S Maslov
bioRxiv, 2024.05. 22.595348, 2024
Thermodynamics drives coenzyme redundancy in metabolism
JE Goldford, AB George, A Flamholz, D Segrč
BioRxiv, 2021.05. 17.444566, 2021
The architecture of theory and data in microbiome design: towards an S-matrix for microbiomes
S Arya, AB George, J O'Dwyer
Current Opinion in Microbiology 83, 102580, 2025
Optimizing 500 pooled PRISM cell lines for a 10-day assay to elucidate viability effects and mechanism of action for slower-acting therapeutics
M Ronan, BC Ip, E Nguyen, U Widocki, T Sangpo, A Kalathungal, ...
Cancer Research 84 (6_Supplement), 4724-4724, 2024
Assessing cancer drug combination efficacy across 900+ PRISM cell lines in a multiplexed screening assay
AB George, S Nair, M Kocak, E Nguyen, A Kalathungal, A Fazio, C Ponsi, ...
Cancer Research 84 (6_Supplement), 4560-4560, 2024
Predicting microbial community compositions using compressive sensing
S Arya, A George, J O'Dwyer
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, G08. 003, 2023
Ruggedness of ecological landscapes informs community optimization
A George, K Korolev
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2021, M14. 008, 2021
Eco-evolutionary dynamics of microbial communities with heterogeneous growth and dispersal
A Bino George
Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics of Microbial Communities with Heterogeneous Growth and Dispersal
AB George
Boston University, 2020
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Articles 1–20