Pedro Luis Ortiz
Pedro Luis Ortiz
Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología, Universidad de Sevilla
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Abiotic factors may explain the geographical distribution of flower colour morphs and the maintenance of colour polymorphism in the scarlet pimpernel
M Arista, M Talavera, R Berjano, PL Ortiz
Journal of Ecology 101 (6), 1613-1622, 2013
Sex Ratio and Reproductive Effort in the Dioecious Juniperus communis subsp. alpina (Suter) Čelak. (Cupressaceae) Along an Altitudinal Gradient
PL Ortiz, M Arista, S Talavera
Annals of botany 89 (2), 205-211, 2002
The ant-pollination system of Cytinus hypocistis (Cytinaceae), a Mediterranean root holoparasite
C de Vega, M Arista, PL Ortiz, CM Herrera, S Talavera
Annals of Botany 103 (7), 1065-1075, 2009
Estudio de la flora apícola de Andalucía Occidental
S Talavera, J Herrera, J Arroyo, PL Ortiz, JA Devesa
Lagascalia 15 (1), 567-592, 1988
Pollinator Attendance and Reproductive Success in Cistus libanotis L. (Cistaceae)
S Talavera, F Bastida, PL Ortiz, M Arista
International Journal of Plant Sciences 162 (2), 343-352, 2001
Low reproductive success in two subspecies of Juniperus oxycedrus L.
PL Ortiz, M Arista, S Talavera
International Journal of Plant Sciences 159 (5), 843-847, 1998
Flower colour polymorphism in the Mediterranean Basin: occurrence, maintenance and implications for speciation
E Narbona, H Wang, PL Ortiz, M Arista, E Imbert
Plant Biology 20, 8-20, 2018
A multi‐year study of factors affecting fruit production in Aristolochia paucinervis (Aristolochiaceae)
R Berjano, C de Vega, M Arista, PL Ortiz, S Talavera
American Journal of Botany 93 (4), 599-606, 2006
Polyembryony and apomixis in Eriotheca pubescens (Malvaceae-Bombacoideae)
C Mendes-Rodrigues, R Carmo-Oliveira, S Talavera, M Arista, PL Ortiz, ...
Plant Biology 7 (05), 533-540, 2005
Explosive seed dispersal in two perennial Mediterranean Euphorbia species (Euphorbiaceae)
E Narbona, M Arista, PL Ortiz
American Journal of Botany 92 (3), 510-516, 2005
Pollinators, flowering phenology and floral longevity in two Mediterranean Aristolochia species, with a review of flower visitor records for the genus
R Berjano, PL Ortiz, M Arista, S Talavera
Plant Biology 11 (1), 6-16, 2009
Endozoochory by beetles: a novel seed dispersal mechanism
C de Vega, M Arista, PL Ortiz, CM Herrera, S Talavera
Annals of botany 107 (4), 629-637, 2011
The Endophytic System of Mediterranean Cytinus (Cytinaceae) Developing on Five Host Cistaceae Species
C De Vega, PL Ortiz, M Arista, S Talavera
Annals of Botany 100 (6), 1209-1217, 2007
Apical pattern of fruit production in the racemes of Ceratonia siliqua (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae): role of pollinators
M Arista, PL Ortiz, S Talavera
American Journal of Botany 86 (12), 1708-1716, 1999
Genetic races associated with the genera and sections of host species in the holoparasitic plant Cytinus (Cytinaceae) in the Western Mediterranean basin
C De Vega, R Berjano, M Arista, PL Ortiz, S Talavera, TF Stuessy
New Phytologist 178 (4), 875-887, 2008
Differential gender selection on floral size: an experimental approach using Cistus salvifolius
M Arista, PL Ortiz
Journal of Ecology 95 (5), 973-982, 2007
Producción de néctar y frecuencua de polinizadores en Ceratonia siliqua L.(Caesalpiniaceae)
PL Ortiz, M Arista, S Talavera
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 54 (1), 540-546, 1996
Functional Andromonoecy in Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae)
E Narbona, PL Ortiz, M Arista
Annals of Botany 89 (5), 571-577, 2002
Anatomical relations among endophytic holoparasitic angiosperms, autotrophic host plants and mycorrhizal fungi: a novel tripartite interaction
C De Vega, M Arista, PL Ortiz, S Talavera
American Journal of Botany 97 (5), 730-737, 2010
Germination ecology of Ceratonia siliqua L.(Caesalpiniaceae), a Mediterranean tree
PL Ortiz, M Arista, S Talavera
Flora 190 (1), 89-95, 1995
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Articles 1–20