Eric Bardou
Eric Bardou
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Debris flow susceptibility mapping at a regional scale
H Pascal, J Michel, B Eric
Proceedings of the 4th Canadian Conference on Geohazards: From Causes to …, 2008
Fluvial geomorphology and flood-risk management
G Arnaud-Fassetta, L Astrade, E Bardou, J Corbonnois, D Delahaye, ...
Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement 15 (2), 109-128, 2009
The contribution of geomorphological mapping to sediment transfer evaluation in small alpine catchments
D Theler, E Reynard, C Lambiel, E Bardou
Geomorphology 124 (3-4), 113-123, 2010
The effect of weathering on Alpine rock instability
M Jaboyedoff, F Baillifard, E Bardou, F Girod
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 37 (2), 95-103, 2004
Laboratory flume experiments with the S wiss plate geophone bed load monitoring system: 2. Application to field sites with direct bed load samples
CR Wyss, D Rickenmann, B Fritschi, JM Turowski, V Weitbrecht, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (10), 7760-7778, 2016
Méthodologie de diagnostic des laves torrentielles sur un bassin versant alpin
E Bardou
Ecole polytechnique fédérale, 2002
Effects of ground freezing and snow avalanche deposits on debris flows in alpine environments
E Bardou, R Delaloye
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 4 (4), 519-530, 2004
Properties of debris flow deposits and source materials compared: implications for debris flow characterization
E Bardou, P Boivin, HR Pfeifer
Sedimentology 54 (2), 469-480, 2007
Classification of debris-flow deposits for hazard assessment in alpine areas
E Bardou, C Ancey, C Bonnard, L Vulliet
3th International Conference on Debris-Flow hazards mitigation: mechanics …, 2003
Debris flows as a factor of hillslope evolution controlled by a continuous or a pulse process?
E Bardou, M Jaboyedoff
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 296 (1), 63-78, 2008
Sediment transport in mountain rivers
C Ancey, P Bohorquez, E Bardou
Ercoftac Bulletin 100, 37-52, 2014
Impact of small amounts of swelling clays on the physical properties of debris‐flow‐like granular materials. Implications for the study of alpine debris flow
E Bardou, P Bowen, P Boivin, P Banfill
Earth surface processes and landforms 32 (5), 698-710, 2007
Hydraulic reconstruction of the 1818 Giétro glacial lake outburst flood
C Ancey, E Bardou, M Funk, M Huss, MA Werder, T Trewhela
Water Resources Research 55 (11), 8840-8863, 2019
Influence of the connectivity with permafrost on the debris-flow triggering in high-alpine environment
E Bardou, F Favre-Bulle, P Ornstein, JD Rouiller
Italian journal of engineering geology and environment, 13-21, 2011
Assessing sediment dynamics from geomorphological maps: Bruchi torrential system, Swiss Alps
D Theler, E Reynard, E Bardou
Journal of Maps 4 (1), 277-289, 2008
Application of a sediment connectivity GIS-based index in a basin undergoing glacier retreat: the case study of the Navizence catchment
B Goldin, B Rudaz, E Bardou
Rendiconti Online Della Societa Geologica Italiana 39, 35-38, 2016
Analysis of sediment transport from recorded signals of sediments in a gravel-bed river: Role of sediment availability
E Travaglini, E Bardou, C Ancey, P Bohorquez
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 3: River Basins …, 2015
Extension spatiale du pergélisol dans les Alpes vaudoises: implication pour la dynamique sédimentaire locale
C Lambiel, E Bardou, R Delaloye, P Schuetz, P Schoeneich
Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles 91 (4), 407-424, 2009
Weathering, cycles of saturation-unsaturation, and strain effects as principal processes for rock mass destabilization
M Jaboyedoff, F Baillifard, E Bardou, F Girod
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 37, 95-103, 2004
Mass-movement types and processes: Flow-like mass movements, debris flows and earth flows
D Laigle, E Bardou
Treatise on Geomorphology 2nd Edition, 61-84, 2022
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Articles 1–20