Björn Wallsten
Björn Wallsten
Researcher at the Department of Sociology, Uppsala University, Sweden
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Cited by
An integrated review of concepts and initiatives for mining the technosphere: towards a new taxonomy
N Johansson, J Krook, M Eklund, B Berglund
Journal of Cleaner Production 55, 35-44, 2013
To prospect an urban mine–assessing the metal recovery potential of infrastructure “cold spots” in Norrköping, Sweden
B Wallsten, A Carlsson, P Frändegård, J Krook, S Svanström
Journal of Cleaner Production 55, 103-111, 2013
The economic conditions for urban infrastructure mining: Using GIS to prospect hibernating copper stocks
B Wallsten, D Magnusson, S Andersson, J Krook
Resources, conservation and recycling 103, 85-97, 2015
Politicizing environmental governance–A case study of heterogeneous alliances and juridical struggles around the Ojnare Forest, Sweden
J Anshelm, S Haikola, B Wallsten
Geoforum 91, 206-215, 2018
Resource scarcity and socially just internet access over time and space
D Pargman, B Wallsten
Proceedings of the 2017 workshop on computing within limits, 29-36, 2017
Urban infrastructure mines: on the economic and environmental motives of cable recovery from subsurface power grids
J Krook, N Svensson, B Wallsten
Journal of Cleaner Production 104, 353-363, 2015
Toward social material flow analysis: On the usefulness of boundary objects in urban mining research
B Wallsten
Journal of Industrial Ecology 19 (5), 742-752, 2015
A cable laid is a cable played: On the hibernation logic behind urban infrastructure mines
B Wallsten, N Johansson, J Krook
Journal of Urban Technology 20 (3), 85-103, 2013
The URK world: hibernating infrastructures and the quest for urban mining
B Wallsten
Linköping University Electronic Press, 2015
Should the sludge hit the farm?–How chemo-social relations affect policy efforts to circulate phosphorus in Sweden
LE Burgman, B Wallsten
Sustainable Production and Consumption 27, 1488-1497, 2021
Svensk gruvpolitik i omvandling: aktörer, kontroverser, möjliga världar
J Anshelm, S Haikola, B Wallsten
Gidlunds förlag, 2018
Social and ecological entrepreneurship in a circular economy: the need for understanding transitional agency
M Henriksson, M Hultman, N Johansson, A Kaijser, B Wallsten
A research agenda for social entrepreneurship, 113-120, 2019
Urks and the urban subsurface as geosocial formation
B Wallsten, J Krook
Science, Technology, & Human Values 41 (5), 827-848, 2016
Underneath Norrköping: An urban mine of hibernating infrastructure
B Wallsten
Linköping University Electronic Press, 2013
Att göra gruvpolitik underifrån: Urbergsgruppen och deltagandets dolda kostnader
A Kaijser, B Wallsten
Gidlunds förlag, 2018
Ojnarekonflikten och miljöfrågans återpolitisering
J Anshelm, S Haikola, B Wallsten
Gidlunds förlag, 2018
Urban mining: on the potential and multifaceted challenges of facilitating recycling of wire-based city infrastructure
J Krook, B Wallsten, N Svensson, S Anderberg
Handbook of the Circular Economy, 465-477, 2020
Silvast. Anticipating Interruptions-Security and Risk in a Liberalized Electricity Infrastructure.
B Wallsten
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies 2 (2), 41-43, 2014
Urkarnas värld: en politisk möjlighet till återvinning av infrastruktur
B Wallsten
Gidlunds förlag, 2018
Syntesrapport från projektet Städer som gruvor: tio huvudpunkter
J Krook, B Wallsten
Linköping University Electronic Press, 2017
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Articles 1–20