Jon Christopher
Jon Christopher
Sr. Scientific Software Analyst
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Cited by
Structural analysis of a set of proteins resulting from a bacterial genomics project
J Badger, JM Sauder, JM Adams, S Antonysamy, K Bain, MG Bergseid, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 60 (4), 787-796, 2005
SPOCK: The structural properties observation and calculation kit (program manual)
JA Christopher
The Center for Macromolecular Design, Texas A&M University, College Station …, 1998
Structure of bacterial luciferase
TO Baldwin, JA Christopher, FM Raushel, JF Sinclair, MM Ziegler, ...
Current opinion in structural biology 5 (6), 798-809, 1995
Model of maltose-binding protein/chemoreceptor complex supports intrasubunit signaling mechanism
Y Zhang, PJ Gardina, AS Kuebler, HS Kang, JA Christopher, MD Manson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (3), 939-944, 1999
Algorithms for finding the axis of a helix: fast rotational and parametric least-squares methods
JA Christopher, R Swanson, TO Baldwin
Computers & chemistry 20 (3), 339-345, 1996
JA Christopher, TO Baldwin
The Center for Macromolecular Design. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University, 1998
Determining protein structure from electron-density maps using pattern matching
T Holton, TR Ioerger, JA Christopher, JC Sacchettini
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 56 (6), 722-734, 2000
Tapping the Protein Data Bank for crystallization information
TS Peat, JA Christopher, J Newman
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 61 (12), 1662-1669, 2005
Implications of N and C-terminal proximity for protein folding
JA Christopher, TO Baldwin
Journal of molecular biology 257 (1), 175-187, 1996
The 1.59 A resolution crystal structure of TM0096, a flavin mononucleotide binding protein from Thermotoga maritima
F Park, K Gajiwala, B Noland, L Wu, D He, J Molinari, K Loomis, ...
Proteins 55 (3), 772-774, 2004
Crystal structure of YIGZ, a conserved hypothetical protein from Escherichia coli k12 with a novel fold
F Park, K Gajiwala, G Eroshkina, E Furlong, D He, Y Batiyenko, R Romero, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 55 (3), 775-777, 2004
The SPOCK program manual
JA Christopher
The Center of Macromolecular Design, Texas A&M University, 1998
TEXTAL: a pattern recognition system for interpreting electron density maps.
TR Ioerger, T Holton, JA Christopher, JC Sacchettini
ISMB, 130-137, 1999
SPOCK: The structure properties and observation toolkit
JA Christopher
Center for Macromolecular Design, Texas A and M University, College Station …, 1997
Remote-control, crystal-annealing, cold-stream blocking device and method
J Newman, JA Christopher, BL Ganz, JA Benjamin
US Patent 6,503,320, 2003
SPOCK, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
JA Christopher
BI0491301, 1998
AFITT-working with good chemistry
TS Peat, J Christopher, K Schmidt
Acta Crystallogr A 61, C165, 2005
Comparison of Dectomax and Valbazen on beef cattle carcass traits
JA Christopher, TT Marston, JR Brethour, GL Stokka
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports, 28-30, 2006
Comparison of Dectomax® and Valbazen® on feedlot steer performance and carcass traits
JA Christopher, TT Marston, JR Brethour, GL Stokka
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports, 54-56, 2005
Computer-assisted modeling and analysis of biomolecular structures
JA Christopher
Texas A&M University, 1998
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Articles 1–20