Eduardo Chacón Madrigal
Eduardo Chacón Madrigal
Other namesEduardo Chacón
Escuela de Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica
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Cited by
TRY plant trait database–enhanced coverage and open access
J Kattge, G Bönisch, S Díaz, S Lavorel, IC Prentice, P Leadley, ...
Global change biology 26 (1), 119-188, 2020
Global exchange and accumulation of non-native plants
M Van Kleunen, W Dawson, F Essl, J Pergl, M Winter, E Weber, H Kreft, ...
Nature 525 (7567), 100-103, 2015
Naturalized alien flora of the world: species diversity, taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns, geographic distribution and global hotspots of plant invasion
P Pyšek, J Perg, F Essl, B Lenzner, W Dawson, H Kreft, P Weigelt, ...
Preslia 89, 203-274, 2017
The global naturalized alien Flora (Glo NAF) database
M van Kleunen, P Pyšek, W Dawson, F Essl, H Kreft, J Pergl, P Weigelt, ...
Ecology 100 (1), e02542, 2019
Effect of urbanization on the avifauna in a tropical metropolitan area
E Biamonte, L Sandoval, E Chacón, G Barrantes
Landscape Ecology 26 (2), 183-194, 2011
Climatic and edaphic controls over tropical forest diversity and vegetation carbon storage
F Hofhansl, E Chacón-Madrigal, L Fuchslueger, D Jenking, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 5066, 2020
Dimensions of invasiveness: Links between local abundance, geographic range size, and habitat breadth in Europe’s alien and native floras
TS Fristoe, M Chytrý, W Dawson, F Essl, R Heleno, H Kreft, N Maurel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (22), e2021173118, 2021
Global gradients in intraspecific variation in vegetative and floral traits are partially associated with climate and species richness
J Kuppler, CH Albert, GM Ames, WS Armbruster, G Boenisch, FC Boucher, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (6), 992-1007, 2020
Análisis taxonómico de las especies de plantas introducidas en Costa Rica
E Chacón-Madrigal, G Saborío-Rodríguez
Lankesteriana 6, 139-147, 2006
Blue-crowned Motmot (Momotus momota) predation on a long-tongued bat (Glossophaginae)
E Chacón-Madrigal, G Barrantes
The Wilson Bulletin 116 (1), 108-110, 2004
The acquisitive–conservative axis of leaf trait variation emerges even in homogeneous environments
LD Gorne, SM Díaz, V Minden, Y Onoda, K Kramer, C Muir, ST Michaletz, ...
Annals of Botany, 2020
High exposure of global tree diversity to human pressure
WY Guo, JM Serra-Diaz, F Schrodt, WL Eiserhardt, BS Maitner, C Merow, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (25), e2026733119, 2022
Urbanization has opposite effects on the territory size of two passerine birds
R Juárez, E Chacón-Madrigal, L Sandoval
Avian Research 11, 1-9, 2020
Calling for more accurate information in aquarium trade: analysis of live-fish import permits in Costa Rica
PE Allen, MD Barquero, E Bermúdez, JC Calderón, B Hilje, W Pineda, ...
Management of Biological Invasions 8 (4), 533-542, 2017
Clave para la identificación de los roedores de Costa Rica
D Villalobos-Chaves, JD Ramírez-Fernández, E Chacón-Madrigal, ...
Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Biología, 2016
Mechanisms driving plant functional trait variation in a tropical forest
F Hofhansl, E Chacón‐Madrigal, Å Brännström, U Dieckmann, O Franklin
Ecology and Evolution 11 (9), 3856-3870, 2021
Global beta-diversity of angiosperm trees is shaped by Quaternary climate change
WB Xu, WY Guo, JM Serra-Diaz, F Schrodt, WL Eiserhardt, BJ Enquist, ...
Science advances 9 (14), eadd8553, 2023
Functional biogeography of Neotropical moist forests: Trait–climate relationships and assembly patterns of tree communities
BX Pinho, M Tabarelli, CJF ter Braak, SJ Wright, V Arroyo‐Rodríguez, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2021
El uso de los parques urbanos con vegetación por murciélagos insectívoros en San José, Costa Rica
A Arias-Aguilar, E Chacón-Madrigal, B Rodríguez-Herrera
Mastozoología neotropical 22 (2), 229-237, 2015
Beta diversity and oligarchic dominance in the tropical forests of Southern Costa Rica
A Morera‐Beita, D Sánchez, W Wanek, F Hofhansl, H Werner, ...
Biotropica 51 (2), 117-128, 2019
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Articles 1–20