Silvia Lomascolo
Silvia Lomascolo
Instituto de Ecologia Regional (CONICET-UNT)
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Evaluating sampling completeness in a desert plant–pollinator network
NP Chacoff, DP Vázquez, SB Lomáscolo, EL Stevani, J Dorado, B Padrón
Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (1), 190-200, 2012
The dimensionality of ecological networks
A Eklöf, U Jacob, J Kopp, J Bosch, R Castro‐Urgal, NP Chacoff, ...
Ecology letters 16 (5), 577-583, 2013
Dispersers shape fruit diversity in Ficus (Moraceae)
SB Lomáscolo, DJ Levey, RT Kimball, BM Bolker, HT Alborn
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (33), 14668-14672, 2010
Signal convergence in fruits: a result of selection by frugivores?
SB Lomascolo, HM Schaefer
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23 (3), 614-624, 2010
The strength of plant–pollinator interactions
DP Vázquez, SB Lomáscolo, MB Maldonado, NP Chacoff, J Dorado, ...
Ecology 93 (4), 719-725, 2012
Correlated evolution of fig size and color supports the dispersal syndromes hypothesis
SB Lomáscolo, P Speranza, RT Kimball
Oecologia 156, 783-796, 2008
Trait matching and phenological overlap increase the spatio‐temporal stability and functionality of plant–pollinator interactions
G Peralta, DP Vázquez, NP Chacoff, SB Lomáscolo, GLW Perry, ...
Ecology Letters 23 (7), 1107-1116, 2020
Adaptive short-term changes in pit design by antlion larvae (Myrmeleon sp.) in response to different prey conditions
S Lomascolo, AG Farji-Brener
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 13 (4), 393-397, 2001
Flexibility in Nest-Site Choice and Nesting Success of Turdus rufiventris (Turdidae) in a Montane Forest in Northwestern Argentina
SB Lomáscolo, AC Monmany, A Malizia, TE Martin
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122 (4), 674-680, 2010
The importance of pollinator generalization and abundance for the reproductive success of a generalist plant
MB Maldonado, SB Lomáscolo, DP Vázquez
PLoS One 8 (10), e75482, 2013
The role of trait combination in the conspicuousness of fruit display among bird‐dispersed plants
M Ordano, PG Blendinger, SB Lomáscolo, NP Chacoff, MS Sánchez, ...
Functional Ecology 31 (9), 1718-1727, 2017
Inferring coevolution in a plant–pollinator network
SB Lomáscolo, N Giannini, NP Chacoff, R Castro‐Urgal, DP Vázquez
Oikos 128 (6), 775-789, 2019
Daily activity patterns and thermal tolerance of three sympatric dung beetle species (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Eucraniini) from the Monte Desert, Argentina
VC Gimenez Gomez, SB Lomascolo, GA Zurita, F Ocampo
Neotropical Entomology 47 (6), 821-827, 2018
Nutritional dimorphism in New Guinea dioecious figs
GD Weiblen, SB Lomascolo, R Oono, ER Dumont
Biotropica 42 (6), 656-663, 2010
Hummingbirds, honeybees, and wild insect pollinators affect yield and berry quality of blueberries depending on cultivar and farm’s spatial context
AF Ramírez-Mejía, S Lomáscolo, PG Blendinger
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 342, 108229, 2023
Empowering Latina scientists
XE Bernal, B Rojas, MA Pinto-E, ÁM Mendoza-Henao, A Herrera-Montes, ...
Science 363 (6429), 825-826, 2019
Nutrient balance and energy‐acquisition effectiveness: Do birds adjust their fruit diet to achieve intake targets?
PG Blendinger, TN Rojas, AF Ramírez‐Mejía, IMA Bender, S Lomáscolo, ...
Functional Ecology 36 (10), 2649-2660, 2022
Dispersers shape fruit diversity in
SB Lomáscolo, DJ Levey, RT Kimball, BM Bolker, HT Alborn
Ficus, 0
Flexible diets enable pollinators to cope with changes in plant community composition
T Morán‐López, G Benadi, C Lara‐Romero, N Chacoff, A Vitali, ...
Journal of Ecology 110 (8), 1913-1927, 2022
Optimal pollination thresholds to maximize blueberry production
AF Ramírez-Mejía, NP Chacoff, SB Lomáscolo, BA Woodcock, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 365, 108903, 2024
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Articles 1–20