Cited by
Cited by
Diversity and activity of aquatic fungi under low oxygen conditions
AO Medeiros, C Pascoal, MAS Graça
Freshwater Biology 54 (1), 142-149, 2009
Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones
SD Tiegs, DM Costello, MW Isken, G Woodward, PB McIntyre, ...
Science Advances 5 (1), eaav0486, 2019
Fungal community associated with marine macroalgae from Antarctica
CP Loque, AO Medeiros, FM Pellizzari, EC Oliveira, CA Rosa, LH Rosa
Polar Biology 33, 641-648, 2010
Plant litter dynamics in the forest-stream interface: precipitation is a major control across tropical biomes
AM Tonin, JF Goncalves Jr, P Bambi, SRM Couceiro, LAM Feitoza, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 10799, 2017
Leaf breakdown in a tropical stream
JF Gonçalves Jr, JS França, AO Medeiros, CA Rosa, M Callisto
International Review of Hydrobiology 91 (2), 164-177, 2006
Functional indicators of stream health: A river‐basin approach
MJ Feio, T Alves, M Boavida, A Medeiros, MAS Graça
Freshwater Biology 55 (5), 1050-1065, 2010
Diversity assessment of benthic macroinvertebrates, yeasts, and microbiological indicators along a longitudinal gradient in Serra do Cipó, Brazil
M Callisto, M Goulart, AO Medeiros, P Moreno, CA Rosa
Brazilian Journal of Biology 64, 743-755, 2004
Diversity and antifungal susceptibility of yeasts from tropical freshwater environments in Southeastern Brazil
AO Medeiros, LM Kohler, JS Hamdan, BS Missagia, FAR Barbosa, ...
Water Research 42 (14), 3921-3929, 2008
Biodiversity of leaf litter fungi in streams along a latitudinal gradient
S Seena, F Bärlocher, O Sobral, MO Gessner, D Dudgeon, BG McKie, ...
Science of the Total Environment 661, 306-315, 2019
Water quality and diversity of yeasts from tropical lakes and rivers from the Rio Doce basin in Southeastern Brazil
AO Medeiros, BS Missagia, LR Brandão, M Callisto, FAR Barbosa, ...
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 43, 1582-1594, 2012
The diversity and extracellular enzymatic activities of yeasts isolated from water tanks of Vriesea minarum, an endangered bromeliad species in Brazil, and the description of …
FCO Gomes, SVB Safar, AR Marques, AO Medeiros, ARO Santos, ...
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 107, 597-611, 2015
Diversity and spatial distribution of seaweeds in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica: an updated database for environmental monitoring under climate change scenarios
F Pellizzari, MC Silva, EM Silva, A Medeiros, MC Oliveira, NS Yokoya, ...
Polar biology 40, 1671-1685, 2017
Organic matter dynamics in a tropical gallery forest in a grassland landscape
R de Souza Rezende, MA S. Graça, AM dos Santos, AO Medeiros, ...
Biotropica 48 (3), 301-310, 2016
Influence of leaf quality in microbial decomposition in a headwater stream in the Brazilian Cerrado: a 1-year study
MA Sales, JF Gonçalves, JS Dahora, AO Medeiros
Microbial Ecology 69, 84-94, 2015
Impacts of detritivore diversity loss on instream decomposition are greatest in the tropics
L Boyero, N López-Rojo, AM Tonin, J Pérez, F Correa-Araneda, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 3700, 2021
Diversity and antifungal susceptibility of yeasts isolated by multiple-tube fermentation from three freshwater lakes in Brazil
LR Brandao, AO Medeiros, MC Duarte, AC Barbosa, CA Rosa
Journal of Water and Health 8 (2), 279-289, 2010
Latitude dictates plant diversity effects on instream decomposition
L Boyero, J Pérez, N López-Rojo, AM Tonin, F Correa-Araneda, ...
Science Advances 7 (13), eabe7860, 2021
Effects of Zn, Fe and Mn on leaf litter breakdown by aquatic fungi: a microcosm study
A Medeiros, S Duarte, C Pascoal, F Cássio, M Graça
International Review of Hydrobiology 95 (1), 12-26, 2010
Candida flosculorum sp. nov. and Candida floris sp. nov., two yeast species associated with tropical flowers
CA Rosa, FC Pagnocca, MA Lachance, CCC Ruivo, AO Medeiros, ...
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 57 (12 …, 2007
Combined effects of dissolved nutrients and oxygen on plant litter decomposition and associated fungal communities
PP Gomes, V Ferreira, AM Tonin, AO Medeiros, JFG Júnior
Microbial Ecology 75, 854-862, 2018
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Articles 1–20