Marisa Litz
Marisa Litz
Unit Lead, Coast Ecology and Life Cycle Monitoring, WDFW
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Multivariate models of adult Pacific salmon returns
BJ Burke, WT Peterson, BR Beckman, C Morgan, EA Daly, M Litz
PloS one 8 (1), e54134, 2013
Seasonal and interannual variation in juvenile salmonids and associated fish assemblage in open waters of the lower Columbia River estuary
LA Weitkamp, PJ Bentley, MNC Litz
Fishery Bulletin 110 (4), 2012
State of the California Current 2010-2011: Regionally variable responses to a strong (but fleeting?) La Niña
EP BjorkstEdt, R Goericke, S McClatchie, ED Weber, W Watson, N Lo, ...
CalCOFI Rep 52, 36-68, 2011
Fatty acid profiles of juvenile salmon indicate prey selection strategies in coastal marine waters
EA Daly, CE Benkwitt, RD Brodeur, MNC Litz, LA Copeman
Marine Biology 157, 1975-1987, 2010
Effects of variable oceanographic conditions on forage fish lipid content and fatty acid composition in the northern California Current
MNC Litz, RD Brodeur, RL Emmett, SS Heppell, RS Rasmussen, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 405, 71-85, 2010
Seasonal occurrences of Humboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the northern California Current System
MNC Litz, AJ Phillips, RD Brodeur, RL Emmett
CalCOFI Rep 52, 97-108, 2011
Biotic and abiotic factors influencing forage fish and pelagic nekton community in the Columbia River plume (USA) throughout the upwelling season 1999–2009
MNC Litz, RL Emmett, PJ Bentley, AM Claiborne, C Barceló
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (1), 5-18, 2014
Ontogenetic shifts in the diets of juvenile Chinook Salmon: new insight from stable isotopes and fatty acids
MNC Litz, JA Miller, LA Copeman, DJ Teel, LA Weitkamp, EA Daly, ...
Environmental Biology of Fishes 100, 337-360, 2017
Ecology and distribution of the northern subpopulation of northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) off the US west coast
MNC Litz, SS Heppell, RL Emmett, RD Brodeur
California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 49, 167-182, 2008
Responses in growth rate of larval northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) to anomalous upwelling in the northern California Current
M Takahashi, DM Checkley Jr, MNC Litz, RD Brodeur, WT Peterson
Fisheries Oceanography 21 (6), 393-404, 2012
Temporal variation in the biochemical ecology of lower trophic levels in the Northern California Current
JA Miller, WT Peterson, LA Copeman, X Du, CA Morgan, MNC Litz
Progress in Oceanography 155, 1-12, 2017
Correspondence between scale growth, feeding conditions, and survival of adult Chinook salmon returning to Puget Sound and coastal Washington: implications for forecasting
AM Claiborne, L Campbell, B Stevick, T Sandell, JP Losee, M Litz, ...
Progress in Oceanography 198, 102443, 2021
Effects of dietary fatty acids on juvenile salmon growth, biochemistry, and aerobic performance: A laboratory rearing experiment
MNC Litz, JA Miller, LA Copeman, TP Hurst
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 494, 20-31, 2017
Energy dynamics of subyearling Chinook salmon reveal the importance of piscivory to short‐term growth during early marine residence
MNC Litz, JA Miller, RD Brodeur, EA Daly, LA Weitkamp, AG Hansen, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 28 (3), 273-290, 2019
Phenological shifts and mismatch with marine productivity vary among Pacific salmon species and populations
SM Wilson, JW Moore, EJ Ward, CW Kinsel, JH Anderson, TW Buehrens, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 7 (6), 852-861, 2023
Competition with odd-year pink salmon in the ocean affects natural populations of chum salmon from Washington
MNC Litz, M Agha, AM Dufault, AM Claiborne, JP Losee, AJ Anderson
Marine Ecology Progress Series 663, 179-195, 2021
Dynamics of larval and juvenile rockfish (Sebastes spp.) recruitment in coastal waters of the Northern California Current
RD Brodeur, TD Auth, T Britt, EA Daly, RL Emmett, MNC Litz
ASC 2011-Theme session H, 2011
Temporal patterns and ecosystem correlates of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) migration phenology in the Pacific Northwest
M Agha, JP Losee, MNC Litz, C Smith, JJ Schaffler, WS Patton, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78 (11), 1565-1575, 2021
Puget sound chum salmon growth linked to competitor abundance, climate indices, and copepod species richness
AJ Anderson, AM Claiborne, M Agha, MNC Litz
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 150 (6), 707-729, 2021
Ecology of the northern subpopulation of northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) in the California Current large marine ecosystem
MNC Litz
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Articles 1–20