Paulo Flores Ribeiro
Paulo Flores Ribeiro
Forest Research Centre, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal
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Cited by
Modelling farming system dynamics in High Nature Value Farmland under policy change
PF Ribeiro, JL Santos, MN Bugalho, J Santana, L Reino, P Beja, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 183, 138-144, 2014
Combined effects of landscape composition and heterogeneity on farmland avian diversity
J Santana, L Reino, C Stoate, F Moreira, PF Ribeiro, JL Santos, ...
Ecology and Evolution 7 (4), 1212-1223, 2017
Mixed effects of long‐term conservation investment in Natura 2000 farmland
J Santana, L Reino, C Stoate, R Borralho, CR Carvalho, S Schindler, ...
Conservation Letters 7 (5), 467-477, 2014
An applied farming systems approach to infer conservation-relevant agricultural practices for agri-environment policy design
PF Ribeiro, JL Santos, J Santana, L Reino, P Beja, F Moreira
Land Use Policy 58, 165-172, 2016
A farming systems approach to linking agricultural policies with biodiversity and ecosystem services
JL Santos, F Moreira, PF Ribeiro, MJ Canadas, A Novais, A Lomba
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19 (3), 168-175, 2021
Using beta diversity to inform agricultural policies and conservation actions on Mediterranean farmland
J Santana, M Porto, L Reino, F Moreira, PF Ribeiro, JL Santos, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (6), 1825-1835, 2017
A spatially explicit choice model to assess the impact of conservation policy on high nature value farming systems
PF Ribeiro, LC Nunes, P Beja, L Reino, J Santana, F Moreira, JL Santos
Ecological Economics 145, 331-338, 2018
Drivers of irrigated olive grove expansion in Mediterranean landscapes and associated biodiversity impacts
R Morgado, PF Ribeiro, JL Santos, F Rego, P Beja, F Moreira
Landscape and Urban Planning 225, 104429, 2022
Desdobramento da qualidade no desenvolvimento de filmes flexíveis para embalagens
PAC Miguel, M Telfser, A Maruca, A Gallonetti, A Saracura, L Martins, ...
Polímeros 13, 87-94, 2003
Landscape makers and landscape takers: links between farming systems and landscape patterns along an intensification gradient
PF Ribeiro, JL Santos, J Santana, L Reino, PJ Leitão, P Beja, F Moreira
Landscape Ecology 31, 791-803, 2016
Wildfire mitigation and adaptation: Two locally independent actions supported by different policy domains
MJ Canadas, M Leal, F Soares, A Novais, PF Ribeiro, L Schmidt, ...
Land Use Policy 124, 106444, 2023
Biophysical controls over fire regime properties in Central Portugal
R Bergonse, S Oliveira, JL Zêzere, F Moreira, PF Ribeiro, M Leal, ...
Science of The Total Environment 810, 152314, 2022
Identifying and explaining the farming system composition of agricultural landscapes: The role of socioeconomic drivers under strong biophysical gradients
JF Silva, JL Santos, PF Ribeiro, MJ Canadas, A Novais, A Lomba, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 202, 103879, 2020
Recent trends in fire regimes and associated territorial features in a fire-prone mediterranean region
F Moreira, M Leal, R Bergonse, MJ Canadas, A Novais, S Oliveira, ...
Fire 6 (2), 60, 2023
Farming system change under different climate scenarios and its impact on food security: an analytical framework to inform adaptation policy in developing countries
M Abbas, PF Ribeiro, JL Santos
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 28 (8), 43, 2023
Differentiating fire regimes and their biophysical drivers in Central Portugal
R Bergonse, S Oliveira, JL Zêzere, F Moreira, PF Ribeiro, M Leal, ...
Fire 6 (3), 112, 2023
Exploring the effects of climate change on farming system choice: A farm-level space-for-time approach
PF Ribeiro, JL Santos
Land 12 (12), 2113, 2023
A farming systems approach to assess synergies and trade-offs among ecosystem services
JF Silva, JL Santos, PF Ribeiro, C Marta-Pedroso, MR Magalhães, ...
Ecosystem Services 65, 101591, 2024
Promoting low-risk fire regimes: an agent-based model to explore wildfire mitigation policy options
PF Ribeiro, F Moreira, MJ Canadas, A Novais, M Leal, S Oliveira, ...
Fire 6 (3), 102, 2023
Sistemas de Posicionamento Global
RMS Coelho, PF Ribeiro
Lisboa: Universidade Nova de Lisboa 2007, 17, 2006
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Articles 1–20