Jason M Gleditsch
Jason M Gleditsch
Visiting Assistant Professor, Oberlin College
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Fruit quantity of invasive shrubs predicts the abundance of common native avian frugivores in central Pennsylvania
JM Gleditsch, TA Carlo
Diversity and Distributions 17 (2), 244-253, 2011
Where do seeds go when they go far? Distance and directionality of avian seed dispersal in heterogeneous landscapes
TA Carlo, D García, D Martínez, JM Gleditsch, JM Morales
Ecology 94 (2), 301-307, 2013
Structure, spatial dynamics, and stability of novel seed dispersal mutualistic networks in Hawaiʻi
J Vizentin-Bugoni, CE Tarwater, JT Foster, DR Drake, JM Gleditsch, ...
Science 364 (6435), 78-82, 2019
Ecological correlates of species’ roles in highly invaded seed dispersal networks
J Vizentin-Bugoni, JH Sperry, JP Kelley, JM Gleditsch, JT Foster, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (4), e2009532118, 2021
Living with aliens: effects of invasive shrub honeysuckles on avian nesting
JM Gleditsch, TA Carlo
PloS one 9 (9), e107120, 2014
The role of invasive plant species in urban avian conservation
JM Gleditsch
Ecology and conservation of birds in urban environments, 413-424, 2017
Connecting resource tracking by frugivores to temporal variation in seed dispersal networks
JM Gleditsch, AM Hruska, JT Foster
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5, 98, 2017
Contemporizing island biogeography theory with anthropogenic drivers of species richness
JM Gleditsch, JE Behm, J Ellers, WAM Jesse, MR Helmus
Global Ecology and Biogeography 32 (2), 233-249, 2023
Rapid morphological change of nonnative frugivores on the Hawaiian island of O'ahu
JM Gleditsch, JH Sperry
Evolution 73 (7), 1456-1465, 2019
Trait-based approaches for understanding how biodiversity generates sustainable benefits in urban vegetated green infrastructure
JE Behm, N Bélouard, JM Gleditsch, PM Phillips, TM Swartz
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 57, 101204, 2022
Mechanisms underlying interaction frequencies and robustness in a novel seed dispersal network: lessons for restoration
J Vizentin-Bugoni, JH Sperry, JP Kelley, JT Foster, DR Drake, SB Case, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1982), 20221490, 2022
Ecomorphological relationships and invasion history of non‐native terrestrial bird species on O ‘ahu, Hawai ‘i, suggest ecological fitting during novel community assembly
JM Gleditsch, JH Sperry
Ecology and Evolution 10 (21), 12157-12169, 2020
Avian ecology and rapid morphological change in a novel plant-frugivore system
JM Gleditsch
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019
Folivory by a tropical tanager: species of plants used and the relationship between leaf consumption and fruit abundance
TA Carlo, RA Pérez‐Rivera, JM Gelditsch
Journal of Field Ornithology 83 (1), 11-16, 2012
A functional trait approach reveals the effects of landscape context on ecosystem services provided by urban birds
TM Swartz, JM Gleditsch, JE Behm
Landscape and Urban Planning 234, 104724, 2023
Scaly-breasted Munia (Lonchura punctulata Linnaeus 1758).
JM Gleditsch, DM Brooks
Invasive birds: global trends and impacts, 159-162, 2020
The great acceleration of island saturation by species introductions in the Anthropocene has altered species-area relationships
JM Gleditsch, JE Behm, MR Helmus
bioRxiv, 2023.01. 10.523426, 2023
Northern Red Bishop (Euplectes franciscanus Isert 1789).
JM Gleditsch, KG Ohman, CI Marcheli, AR Conn, AE Dunham, DM Brooks
Invasive birds: global trends and impacts, 163-169, 2020
Living with aliens: the effect of a invasive shrub on avian nesting ecology
JM Gleditsch
PS 103-113: Invasive shrubs predict the abundance of common native avian frugivores in a landscape of central Pennsylvania
JM Gleditsch, TA Carlo
The 95th ESA Annual Meeting, 2010
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Articles 1–20