Justin Koeln
Justin Koeln
Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Dallas
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Optimal subcooling in vapor compression systems via extremum seeking control: Theory and experiments
JP Koeln, AG Alleyne
International journal of refrigeration 43, 14-25, 2014
Set operations and order reductions for constrained zonotopes
V Raghuraman, JP Koeln
Automatica 139, 110204, 2022
Hierarchical control of aircraft electro-thermal systems
JP Koeln, HC Pangborn, MA Williams, ML Kawamura, AG Alleyne
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 28 (4), 1218-1232, 2019
Experimental validation of graph-based hierarchical control for thermal management
HC Pangborn, JP Koeln, MA Williams, AG Alleyne
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 140 (10), 101016, 2018
Experimental validation of graph-based modeling for thermal fluid power flow systems
JP Koeln, MA Williams, HC Pangborn, AG Alleyne
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 50701, V002T21A008, 2016
Dynamical graph models of aircraft electrical, thermal, and turbomachinery components
MA Williams, JP Koeln, HC Pangborn, AG Alleyne
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 140 (4), 041013, 2018
Partially decentralized control of large-scale variable-refrigerant-flow systems in buildings
N Jain, JP Koeln, S Sundaram, AG Alleyne
Journal of Process Control 24 (6), 798-819, 2014
A dynamic modeling toolbox for air vehicle vapor cycle systems
M Kania, J Koeln, A Alleyne, K McCarthy, N Wu, S Patnaik
SAE Technical Paper, 2012
Stability of decentralized model predictive control of graph-based power flow systems via passivity
JP Koeln, AG Alleyne
Automatica 82, 29-34, 2017
Hybrid zonotopes: A new set representation for reachability analysis of mixed logical dynamical systems
TJ Bird, HC Pangborn, N Jain, JP Koeln
Automatica 154, 111107, 2023
Vertical hierarchical MPC for constrained linear systems
J Koeln, V Raghuraman, B Hencey
Automatica 113, 108817, 2020
Robust hierarchical model predictive control of graph-based power flow systems
JP Koeln, AG Alleyne
Automatica 96, 127-133, 2018
Hierarchical control of multi-domain power flow in mobile systems: Part I—Framework development and demonstration
JP Koeln, MA Williams, AG Alleyne
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 57243, V001T08A006, 2015
Two-level hierarchical mission-based model predictive control
JP Koeln, AG Alleyne
2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), 2332-2337, 2018
HVAC system modeling and control: Vapor compression system modeling and control
BP Rasmussen, C Price, J Koeln, B Keating, A Alleyne
Intelligent Building Control Systems: A Survey of Modern Building Control …, 2018
Hierarchical Control of Multi-Domain Power Flow in Mobile Systems: Part II—Aircraft Application
MA Williams, JP Koeln, AG Alleyne
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 57243, V001T08A005, 2015
Hierarchical multi-timescale energy management for hybrid-electric aircraft
W Wang, JP Koeln
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 84270, V001T11A002, 2020
Passivity and decentralized MPC of switched graph-based power flow systems
HC Pangborn, JP Koeln, AG Alleyne
2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), 198-203, 2018
Model accuracy of variable fidelity vapor cycle system simulations
K McCarthy, P McCarthy, N Wu, A Alleyne, J Koeln, S Patnaik, S Emo, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2014
Graphene-based electromechanical thermal switches
ME Chen, MM Rojo, F Lian, J Koeln, A Sood, SM Bohaichuk, ...
2D Materials 8 (3), 035055, 2021
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