Jorge Cruz González
Jorge Cruz González
Associate Professor of Management. Complutense de Madrid University
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The moderating role of innovation culture in the relationship between knowledge assets and product innovation
G Martín-de Castro, M Delgado-Verde, JE Navas-López, J Cruz-González
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 80 (2), 351-363, 2013
Open search strategies and firm performance: The different moderating role of technological environmental dynamism
J Cruz-González, P López-Sáez, JE Navas-López, M Delgado-Verde
Technovation 35, 32-45, 2015
Capital social, capital relacional e innovación tecnológica. Una aplicación al sector manufacturero español de alta y media-alta tecnología
M Delgado-Verde, G Martín-de-Castro, JE Navas-López, J Cruz-González
Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa 14 (4), 207-221, 2011
External knowledge acquisition processes in knowledge‐intensive clusters
P López‐Sáez, J Emilio Navas‐López, G Martín‐de‐Castro, ...
Journal of Knowledge Management 14 (5), 690-707, 2010
Absorbing knowledge from supply-chain, industry and science: The distinct moderating role of formal liaison devices on new product development and novelty
J Cruz-Gonzalez, P Lopez-Saez, JE Navas-López
Industrial Marketing Management 47, 75-85, 2015
La influencia de las capacidades dinámicas sobre los resultados financieros de la empresa
JC González, PL Sáez, GM De Castro
Cuadernos de estudios empresariales 19, 105, 2009
Radical innovation from relations‐based knowledge: empirical evidence in Spanish technology‐intensive firms
M Delgado‐Verde, J Emilio Navas‐López, J Cruz‐González, ...
Journal of Knowledge Management 15 (5), 722-737, 2011
Directions of external knowledge search: investigating their different impact on firm performance in high-technology industries
J Cruz-González, P López-Sáez, JE Navas-López, M Delgado-Verde
Journal of Knowledge Management 18 (5), 847-66, 2014
Green technological distance and environmental strategies: the moderating role of green structural capital
J Amores-Salvadó, J Cruz-González, M Delgado-Verde, ...
Journal of Intellectual Capital 22 (5), 938-963, 2021
Complements or substitutes? The contingent role of corporate reputation on the interplay between internal R&D and external knowledge sourcing
M Delgado-Verde, G Martin-de Castro, J Cruz-Gonzalez, JE Navas-Lopez
European Management Journal 39 (1), 70-83, 2021
Capital social, capital intelectual e innovación de producto: evidencia empírica en sectores manufactureros intensivos en tecnología
MD Verde, GM de Castro, JEN López, JC González
Innovar: revista de ciencias administrativas y sociales 23 (50), 93-110, 2013
Organizational integration mechanisms and knowledge transfer effectiveness in MNCs: The moderating role of cross-national distance
P López-Sáez, J Cruz-González, JE Navas-López, ...
Journal of international management 27 (4), 100872, 2021
J. and Delgado-Verde, M.(2014),“Directions of external knowledge search: investigating their different impact on firm performance in hightechnology industries”
J Cruz-González, P López-Sáez, NL Emilio
Journal of Knowledge Management 18 (5), 847-866, 0
The Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm and the Question of Firm Boundaries
PL Sáez, JEN López, GM de Castro, JC González
Towards Organizational Knowledge: The Pioneering Work of Ikujiro Nonaka, 137-150, 2013
An intellectual capital-based view of technological innovation
M Delgado-Verde, J Cruz-González
Intellectual capital and technological innovation: Knowledge-based theory …, 2010
Dynamic capabilities and innovation radicalness: review and analysis
J Cruz-González, JE Navas-López, P López-Sáez, M Delgado-Verde
Technological, Managerial and Organizational Core Competencies: Dynamic …, 2012
Technological Innovation. An Intellectual Capital‐Based View. By G. Martín de Castro, M. Delgado Verde, P. López Sáez and JE Navas López
R&D Management 3 (41), 319-319, 2011
Salud y bienestar desde la práctica deportiva: adquisición de competencias en asignaturas de Dirección de Empresas
M Delgado Verde, J Amores Salvado, J Cruz González, JC Curiel Franco, ...
Evaluación y mejora en la implantación de métodos de enseñanza híbridos basados en la nube. Los Modelos de Simulación
MF Blasco López, JD Cisneros Martínez, AM Romero Martínez, ...
Iniciativas para el impulso de la participación de los estudiantes en los procesos de garantía y evaluación de la calidad de los títulos de la Facultad de Comercio y Turismo
MM Rodríguez Paredes, CK Atassi Atienza, S Ramos Álvarez, ...
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Articles 1–20