Todd Gerarden
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Cited by
Assessing the Energy-Efficiency Gap
TD Gerarden, RG Newell, RN Stavins
Journal of Economic Literature 55 (4), 1486-1525, 2017
Is energy efficiency capitalized into home prices? Evidence from three US cities
M Walls, T Gerarden, K Palmer, XF Bak
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 82, 104-124, 2017
Assessing the energy-efficiency information gap: results from a survey of home energy auditors
K Palmer, M Walls, H Gordon, T Gerarden
Energy Efficiency 6, 271-292, 2013
Deconstructing the energy-efficiency gap: conceptual frameworks and evidence
T Gerarden, RG Newell, RN Stavins
American Economic Review 105 (5), 183-186, 2015
Demanding innovation: The impact of consumer subsidies on solar panel production costs
TD Gerarden
Management Science 69 (12), 7799-7820, 2023
The impact of water depth on safety and environmental performance in offshore oil and gas production
L Muehlenbachs, MA Cohen, T Gerarden
Energy Policy 55, 699-705, 2013
Investment versus output subsidies: Implications of alternative incentives for wind energy
JE Aldy, TD Gerarden, RL Sweeney
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 10 (4 …, 2023
The effects of fuel prices, environmental regulations, and other factors on US coal production, 2008-2016
J Coglianese, TD Gerarden, JH Stock
The Energy Journal 41 (1), 55-82, 2020
Borrowing to save energy: An assessment of energy-efficiency financing programs
K Palmer, M Walls, T Gerarden
Resources for the Future, 2012
An assessment of the energy-efficiency gap and its implications for climate-change policy
TD Gerarden, RG Newell, RN Stavins, RC Stowe
National Bureau of economic research, 2015
Federal coal program reform, the clean power plan, and the interaction of upstream and downstream climate policies
TD Gerarden, WS Reeder, JH Stock
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 12 (1), 167-199, 2020
Using targeting to optimize program design: evidence from an energy conservation experiment
TD Gerarden, M Yang
Induced innovation, inventors, and the energy transition
E Dugoua, T Gerarden
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023
Strategic Avoidance and the Welfare Impacts of Solar Panel Tariffs
B Bollinger, T Gerarden, K Gillingham, D Vollmer, DY Xu
Producing and Steering Researchers
E Dugoua, T Gerarden, K Myers, J Pless
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Articles 1–15