Shruti Dogra
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Cited by
Quantum simulation of parity–time symmetry breaking with a superconducting quantum processor
S Dogra, AA Melnikov, GS Paraoanu
Communications Physics 4 (1), 26, 2021
Experimental construction of generic three-qubit states and their reconstruction from two-party reduced states on an NMR quantum information processor
S Dogra, K Dorai, Arvind
Physical Review A 91 (2), 022312, 2015
Determining the parity of a permutation using an experimental NMR qutrit
S Dogra, K Dorai
Physics Letters A 378 (46), 3452-3456, 2014
Quantum signatures of chaos, thermalization, and tunneling in the exactly solvable few-body kicked top
S Dogra, V Madhok, A Lakshminarayan
Physical Review E 99 (6), 062217, 2019
Quantum correlations as probes of chaos and ergodicity
V Madhok, S Dogra, A Lakshminarayan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.03647, 2018
Experimental construction of a superposition state and its equivalence to the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state under local filtration
D Das, S Dogra, K Dorai, Arvind
Physical Review A 92 (2), 022307, 2015
Majorana representation of adiabatic and superadiabatic processes in three-level systems
S Dogra, A Vepsäläinen, GS Paraoanu
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043079, 2020
Experimental demonstration of quantum contextuality on an NMR qutrit
S Dogra, K Dorai
Physics Letters A 380 (22-23), 1941–1946, 2016
Majorana representation, qutrit Hilbert space and NMR implementation of qutrit gates
S Dogra, K Dorai, Arvind
arXiv:1703.06102v1 [quant-ph], 2017
Superposing pure quantum states with partial prior information
S Dogra, G Thomas, S Ghosh, D Suter
arXiv:1702.02418, 2017
Implementation of the quantum Fourier transform on a hybrid qubit–qutrit NMR quantum emulator
S Dogra, A Dorai, K Dorai
International Journal of Quantum Information 13 (07), 1550059, 2015
Coherent interaction-free detection of microwave pulses with a superconducting circuit
S Dogra, JJ McCord, GS Paraoanu
Nature Communications 13 (1), 7528, 2022
Perfect stimulated Raman adiabatic passage with imperfect finite-time pulses
S Dogra, GS Paraoanu
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 55 (17), 174001, 2022
High-fidelity robust qubit control by phase-modulated pulses
M Kuzmanović, I Björkman, JJ McCord, S Dogra, GS Paraoanu
Physical Review Research 6 (1), 013188, 2024
Experimental demonstration of robustness under scaling errors for superadiabatic population transfer in a superconducting circuit
S Dogra, A Vepsäläinen, GS Paraoanu
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 380 (2239), 20210274, 2022
Arvind and Dorai K 2014
S Dogra
Phys. Lett. A 378, 3452, 0
Novel Aspects of Multiqubit Entanglement and Qudit Computing on an NMR Quantum Information Processor
S Dogra
IISER-M, 2016
Theory of coherent interaction-free detection of pulses
JJ McCord, S Dogra, GS Paraoanu
Physical Review Research 5 (3), 033012, 2023
Numerically optimized band-selective pulses in SOFAST-HMQC experiments for biomolecular NMR
S Dogra, K Dorai
Journal of Molecular Structure 1063, 45-50, 2014
Coherent interaction-free detection of noise
JJ McCord, S Dogra, GS Paraoanu
Physical Review A 110 (3), 032404, 2024
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Articles 1–20