John Steeds
John Steeds
professor of physics bristol university
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The symmetry of electron diffraction zone axis patterns
BF Buxton, JA Eades, JW Steeds, GM Rackham
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1976
Dislocation arrangement in copper single crystals as a function of strain
JW Steeds
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and …, 1966
Determination of lattice polarity for growth of GaN bulk single crystals and epitaxial layers
FA Ponce, DP Bour, WT Young, M Saunders, JW Steeds
Applied physics letters 69 (3), 337-339, 1996
Introduction to anisotropic elasticity theory of dislocations
JW Steeds
(No Title), 1973
Characterization of dislocations in GaN by transmission electron diffraction and microscopy techniques
FA Ponce, D Cherns, WT Young, JW Steeds
Applied physics letters 69 (6), 770-772, 1996
Higher order Laue zone effects in electron diffraction and their use in lattice parameter determination
PM Jones, GM Rackham, JW Steeds
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical …, 1977
Broken hexagonal symmetry in the locked-in state of 2Ha-TaSe2 and the discommensurate microstructure of its incommensurate CDW states
KK Fung, S McKernan, JW Steeds, JA Wilson
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 14 (35), 5417, 1981
Microdiffraction as a tool for crystal structure identification and determination
JP Morniroli, JW Steeds
Ultramicroscopy 45 (2), 219-239, 1992
Prediction of ion-bombarded surface topographies using Frank's kinematic theory of crystal dissolution
DJ Barber, FC Frank, M Moss, JW Steeds, IST Tsong
Journal of Materials Science 8, 1030-1040, 1973
Microanalytical study of the heterogeneous phases in commercial Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys
R Ayer, JY Koo, JW Steeds, BK Park
Metallurgical Transactions A 16, 1925-1936, 1985
Isolation and structural proof of the large diamond molecule, cyclohexamantane (C26H30)
JEP Dahl, JM Moldowan, TM Peakman, JC Clardy, E Lobkovsky, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 42 (18), 2040-2044, 2003
Effects of surface stress relaxation on the electron microscope images of dislocations normal to thin metal foils
WJ Tunstall, PB Hirsch, J Steeds
Philosophical Magazine 9 (97), 99-119, 1964
Luminescence studies of individual dislocations in II-VI (ZnSe) and III-V (InP) semiconductors
S Myhajlenko, JL Batstone, HJ Hutchinson, JW Steeds
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 17 (35), 6477, 1984
Use of high-symmetry zone axes in electron diffraction in determining crystal point and space groups
JW Steeds, R Vincent
Journal of Applied Crystallography 16 (3), 317-324, 1983
Dislocation configurations in deformed copper and copper 10%(atomic) aluminium alloy
JW Steeds, PM Hazzledine
Discussions of the Faraday Society 38, 103-110, 1964
Observation of coreless dislocations in α-GaN
D Cherns, WT Young, JW Steeds, FA Ponce, S Nakamura
Journal of crystal growth 178 (1-2), 201-206, 1997
Transmission electron microscope radiation damage of 4H and 6H SiC studied by photoluminescence spectroscopy
JW Steeds, GA Evans, LR Danks, S Furkert, W Voegeli, MM Ismail, ...
Diamond and related Materials 11 (12), 1923-1945, 2002
Characterization of nitrogen doped chemical vapor deposited single crystal diamond before and after high pressure, high temperature annealing
SJ Charles, JE Butler, BN Feygelson, ME Newton, DL Carroll, JW Steeds, ...
physica status solidi (a) 201 (11), 2473-2485, 2004
Convergent beam electron diffraction
JW Steeds
Introduction to analytical electron microscopy, 387-422, 1979
Direct imaging of impurity‐induced Raman scattering in GaN
FA Ponce, JW Steeds, CD Dyer, GD Pitt
Applied physics letters 69 (18), 2650-2652, 1996
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Articles 1–20