Nicole Phillips
Nicole Phillips
Associate Professor, The University of Southern Mississippi
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Population genetic structure and genetic diversity of three critically endangered Pristis sawfishes in Australian waters
NM Phillips, JA Chaplin, DL Morgan, SC Peverell
Marine Biology 158, 903-915, 2011
North-western Australia as a hotspot for endangered elasmobranchs with particular reference to sawfishes and the Northern River Shark
DL Morgan, JM Whitty, NM Phillips, DC Thorburn, JA Chaplin, R McAuley
Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 94 (2), 345-358, 2011
Utility of rostra in the identification of Australian sawfishes (Chondrichthyes: Pristidae)
JM Whitty, NM Phillips, DC Thorburn, CA Simpfendorfer, I Field, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24 (6), 791-804, 2014
Contrasting population structures of three Pristis sawfishes with different patterns of habitat use
NM Phillips, JA Chaplin, SC Peverell, DL Morgan
Marine and Freshwater Research 68 (3), 452-460, 2016
Reviewing the genetic evidence for sex-biased dispersal in elasmobranchs
NM Phillips, F Devloo-Delva, C McCall, TS Daly-Engel
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 31, 821-841, 2021
An environmental DNA tool for monitoring the status of the Critically Endangered Smalltooth Sawfish, Pristis pectinata, in the western Atlantic
RN Lehman, GR Poulakis, RM Scharer, KE Schweiss, JM Hendon, ...
Conservation Genetics Resources 12, 621-629, 2020
Development of highly sensitive environmental DNA methods for the detection of Bull Sharks, Carcharhinus leucas (Müller and Henle, 1839), using Droplet Digital …
KE Schweiss, RN Lehman, JM Drymon, NM Phillips
Environmental DNA 2 (1), 3-12, 2020
Review of Current Conservation Genetic Analyses of Northeast Pacific Sharks
SE Larson, TS Daly-Engel, NM Phillips
Advances in Marine Biology 77, 79-110, 2017
A method for prioritizing research on common bottlenose dolphin stocks through evaluating threats and data availability: Development and application to bay, sound and estuary …
NM Phillips, PE Rosel
US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration …, 2014
Extraction and amplification of DNA from the dried rostra of sawfishes (Pristidae) for applications in conservation genetics
N Phillips, J Chaplin, D Morgan, S Peverell
Pacific Conservation Biology 15 (2), 128-134, 2009
Biological and Genetic Characteristics of Restocked and Wild Acanthopagrus butcheri (Sparidae) in a Southwestern Australian Estuary
MJ Gardner, A Cottingham, SA Hesp, JA Chaplin, GI Jenkins, NM Phillips, ...
Reviews in Fisheries Science 21 (3-4), 441-453, 2013
From rivers to ocean basins: The role of ocean barriers and philopatry in the genetic structuring of a cosmopolitan coastal predator
F Devloo‐Delva, CP Burridge, PM Kyne, JM Brunnschweiler, ...
Ecology and Evolution 13 (2), e9837, 2023
Habitat associations of Freshwater Sawfish (Pristis microdon) and Northern River Sharks (Glyphis sp. C): including genetic analysis of P. microdon across northern Australia
JM Whitty, NM Phillips, DL Morgan, JA Chaplin, DC Thorburn, ...
Report to Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts …, 2008
Biological performance and genetics of restocked and wild bream in the Blackwood River Estuary
MJ Gardner, A Cottingham, NM Phillips, SA Hesp, JA Chaplin, GI Jenkins
Report to the West Australian Fish Foundation. Project funded by the …, 2010
Genetic bottlenecks in Pristis sawfishes in northern Australian waters
NM Phillips, A Fearing, DL Morgan
Endangered Species Research 32, 363-372, 2017
Environmental DNA evidence of the Critically Endangered smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, in historically occupied US waters
RN Lehman, GR Poulakis, RM Scharer, JM Hendon, AG Court, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 32 (1), 42-54, 2022
The evolutionary significance of Balston’s Pygmy Perch and Mud Minnow populations in the Blackwood River
N Phillips, J Chaplin, D Morgan, S Beatty
Murdoch University. Centre for Fish & Fisheries Research, 2008
Pristis zijsron
AV Harry, B Everett, V Faria, S Fordham, MI Grant, AB Haque, H Ho, ...
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2022
Swimming against the flow—Environmental DNA can detect bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) across a dynamic deltaic interface
JM Drymon, KE Schweiss, EA Seubert, RN Lehman, TS Daly‐Engel, ...
Ecology and evolution 11 (1), 22-28, 2021
Conservation genetics of Pristis sawfishes in Australian Waters
N Phillips
Murdoch University, 2012
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Articles 1–20