mike gismondi
mike gismondi
Athabasca University Emeritus Professor, Sociology & Global Studies
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Challenging legitimacy at the precipice of energy calamity
DJ Davidson, M Gismondi
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Winning back the words: Confronting experts in an environmental public hearing
M Richardson, J Sherman, MA Gismondi
Broadview Pr, 1993
Choosing Moodle: An evaluation of learning management systems at Athabasca University
B Stewart, D Briton, M Gismondi, B Heller, D Kennepohl, R McGreal, ...
International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET) 5 (3), 1-7, 2007
The university, accountability, and market discipline in the late 1990s
M Sosteric, M Gismondi, G Ratkovic
Electronic Journal of Sociology 3 (3), 1-16, 1998
Nature's Revenge: reclaiming sustainability in an age of corporate globalization
J Johnston, M Gismondi, J Goodman
University of Toronto Press, 2006
‘The gift of theory’: A critique of the histoire des mentalités
MA Gismondi
Social History 10 (2), 211-230, 1985
Historicizing transitions: The value of historical theory to energy transition research
M Gismondi
Energy Research & Social Science 38, 193-198, 2018
Sociology and environmental impact assessment
M Gismondi
Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, 457-479, 1997
Discourse and power in environmental politics: Public hearings on a bleached Kraft Pulp Mill in Alberta, Canada∗
M Gismondi, M Richardson
Capitalism Nature Socialism 2 (3), 43-66, 1991
Imagining the Tar Sands 1890-1967 and Beyond
D Davidson, M Gismondi
Imaginations: Journal of Cross Cultural Image Studies 3 (2 Special Issue …, 2012
Merchants, Mining, and Concessions on Nicaragua's Mosquito Coast: Reassessing the American Presence, 1893–1912
M Gismondi, J Mouat
Journal of Latin American Studies 34 (04), 845-879, 2002
Transformations in the Holy Religious Resistance and Hegemonic Struggles in the Nicaraguan Revolution
MA Gismondi
Latin American Perspectives 13 (3), 13-36, 1986
Landscape-scale prioritization process for private land conservation in Alberta
S Ryan, L Hanson, M Gismondi
Human Ecology 42, 103-114, 2014
"Beyond Policy ‘Lock-In’? The Social Economy and Bottom-Up Sustainability."
M Gismondi, K Cannon
Canadian Review of Social Policy/Revue canadienne de politique sociale . 67, 2012
1 Politicizing Exhaustion: Eco-Social Crisis and the Geographic Challenge for Cosmopolitans
J Goodman, M Gismondi, J Johnston
Nature's Revenge: Reclaiming Sustainability in an Age of Corporate …, 2006
MOOC instructional design principles: Ensuring quality across scale an d diversity
M Cleveland-Innes, M Briton, M Gismondi, C Ives
MOOCs in Scandinavia conference. Stockholm, Sweden. 11-12 June, 2015., 2015
The nature of local reach
M Gismondi
Nature’s Revenge, Reclaiming Sustainability in an Age of Corporate …, 2006
Sustainability, the Social Economy, and the Eco-social Crisis: Traveling Concepts and Bridging Fields
L Soots, M Gismondi
SERC 2; BALTA, 2009
“La Enojosa Cuestión de Emery”: The Emery Claim in Nicaragua and American Foreign Policy, C. 1880-1910
M Gismondi, J Mouat
The Americas 65 (3), 375-409, 2009
‘Unleashing Local Capital’: scaling cooperative local investing practices
M Gismondi, J Marois, D Straith
Putting Sustainability into Practice, 204-228, 2015
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Articles 1–20