Jia Huan LIEW
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Dammed rivers: impoundments facilitate fish invasions
JH Liew, HH Tan, DCJ Yeo
Freshwater Biology 61 (9), 1421-1429, 2016
Rapid evolution of troglomorphic characters suggests selection rather than neutral mutation as a driver of eye reduction in cave crabs
S Klaus, JCE Mendoza, JH Liew, M Plath, R Meier, DCJ Yeo
Biology letters 9 (2), 20121098, 2013
International socioeconomic inequality drives trade patterns in the global wildlife market
JH Liew, ZY Kho, RBH Lim, C Dingle, TC Bonebrake, YH Sung, ...
Science Advances 7 (19), eabf7679, 2021
Effects of macrophytes on lake‐water quality across latitudes: A meta‐analysis
Y Song, JH Liew, DZH Sim, MAD Mowe, SM Mitrovic, HTW Tan, DCJ Yeo
Oikos 128 (4), 468-481, 2019
Efficacy of interventions that incorporate mobile apps in facilitating weight loss and health behavior change in the Asian population: systematic review and meta-analysis
SM Ang, J Chen, JH Liew, J Johal, YY Dan, M Allman-Farinelli, SL Lim
Journal of medical Internet research 23 (11), e28185, 2021
Quantifying terrestrial carbon in freshwater food webs using amino acid isotope analysis: Case study with an endemic cavefish
JH Liew, KWJ Chua, ER Arsenault, JH Thorp, A Suvarnaraksha, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (9), 1594-1605, 2019
The non-native freshwater fishes of Singapore: an annotated compilation
HH Tan, KKP Lim, JH Liew, BW Low, RBH Lim, JTB Kwik, DCJ Yeo
Some cichlid fishes recorded in Singapore
JH Liew, HH Tan, DCJ Yeo
Nature in Singapore 5 (1), 229-236, 2012
Effects of ethanol preservation and formalin fixation on amino acid stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) and its ecological applications
KWJ Chua, JH Liew, KH Shin, DCJ Yeo
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 18 (2), 77-88, 2020
Bottom‐up influences on tropical freshwater food web structure support the “environmental filtering” hypothesis
JH Liew, TD Jardine, RBH Lim, JTB Kwik, HH Tan, ZY Kho, DCJ Yeo
Limnology and Oceanography 63 (5), 1877-1890, 2018
Development of a methodological framework for evaluating biodiversity of built urban green infrastructures by practitioners
Y Chen, Y Wang, JH Liew, PL Wang
Journal of Cleaner Production 303, 127009, 2021
First record of the cryptic invader Pyrgophorus platyrachis Thompson, 1968 (Gastropoda: Truncatelloidea: Cochliopidae) outside the Americas.
TH Ng, JH Liew, JZE Song, DCJ Yeo
BioInvasions Record 5 (2), 2016
Forest conversion to oil palm compresses food chain length in tropical streams
CL Wilkinson, KWJ Chua, R Fiala, JH Liew, V Kemp, A Hadi Fikri, ...
Ecology 102 (1), e03199, 2021
Native richness and species level trophic traits predict establishment of alien freshwater fishes
JH Liew, LR Carrasco, HH Tan, DCJ Yeo
Biological Invasions 18, 3495-3512, 2016
Rehabilitation of a tropical storm-water drain creates a novel fish assemblage
CL Wilkinson, JTB Kwik, AMW Ow, RBH Lim, S Liu, CLY Tan, ACY Saw, ...
Ecological Engineering 161, 106150, 2021
Shoaling behaviour in the pygmy halfbeak Dermogenys collettei (Beloniformes: Zenarchopteridae): comparing populations from contrasting predation regimes.
JKI Ho, M Plath, BW Low, JH Liew, Y Yi, A Ahmad, HH Tan, DCJ Yeo, ...
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 63, 2015
Ecology and origin of the introduced cichlid Acarichthys heckelii in Singapore’s fresh waters—first instance of establishment
JH Liew, HH Tan, Y Yi, DCJ Yeo
Environmental biology of fishes 97, 1109-1118, 2014
Contrasting changes in freshwater fish assemblages and food webs follow modification of tropical waterways
JH Liew, X Giam, E Clews, KYW Tan, HH Tan, ZY Kho, DCJ Yeo
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27 (4), 1114-1125, 2018
Substrate composition influences amino acid carbon isotope profiles of fungi: Implications for tracing fungal contributions to food webs
ER Arsenault, JH Liew, JR Hopkins
Environmental Microbiology 24 (4), 2089-2097, 2022
Land-use change erodes trophic redundancy in tropical forest streams: evidence from amino acid stable isotope analysis
KWJ Chua, JH Liew, CL Wilkinson, AB Ahmad, HH Tan, DCJ Yeo
Journal of Animal Ecology, 2021
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