Kai U. Totsche
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Microaggregates in soils
KU Totsche, W Amelung, MH Gerzabek, G Guggenberger, E Klumpp, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 181 (1), 104-136, 2018
Grazing effects on soil chemical and physical properties in a semiarid steppe of Inner Mongolia (PR China)
M Steffens, A Kölbl, KU Totsche, I Kögel-Knabner
Geoderma 143 (1-2), 63-72, 2008
Characterization of ferrihydrite-soil organic matter coprecipitates by X-ray diffraction and Mossbauer spectroscopy
K Eusterhues, FE Wagner, W Häusler, M Hanzlik, H Knicker, KU Totsche, ...
Environmental science & technology 42 (21), 7891-7897, 2008
Fractionation of organic matter due to reaction with ferrihydrite: coprecipitation versus adsorption
K Eusterhues, T Rennert, H Knicker, I Kogel-Knabner, KU Totsche, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 45 (2), 527-533, 2011
Specific surface area of clay minerals: Comparison between atomic force microscopy measurements and bulk-gas (N2) and-liquid (EGME) adsorption methods
F Macht, K Eusterhues, GJ Pronk, KU Totsche
Applied Clay Science 53 (1), 20-26, 2011
Biogeochemical interfaces in soil: the interdisciplinary challenge for soil science
KU Totsche, T Rennert, MH Gerzabek, I Kögel‐Knabner, K Smalla, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 173 (1), 88-99, 2010
Predominance of Cand. Patescibacteria in Groundwater Is Caused by Their Preferential Mobilization From Soils and Flourishing Under Oligotrophic Conditions
M Herrmann, CE Wegner, M Taubert, P Geesink, K Lehmann, L Yan, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 10, 1407, 2019
Small scale spatial variability of organic carbon stocks in litter and solum of a forested Luvisol
I Schöning, KU Totsche, I Kögel-Knabner
Geoderma 136 (3-4), 631-642, 2006
Dissolved organic matter‐enhanced retention of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil miscible displacement experiments
KU Totsche, J Danzer, I Kögel‐Knabner
Journal of Environmental Quality 26 (4), 1090-1100, 1997
Condensation degree of burnt peat and plant residues and the reliability of solid-state VACP MAS 13C NMR spectra obtained from pyrogenic humic material
H Knicker, KU Totsche, G Almendros, FJ González-Vila
Organic Geochemistry 36 (10), 1359-1377, 2005
Calcite biomineralization by bacterial isolates from the recently discovered pristine karstic Herrenberg cave
A Rusznyák, DM Akob, S Nietzsche, K Eusterhues, KU Totsche, TR Neu, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 78 (4), 1157-1167, 2012
Sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to mineral surfaces
S Müller, KU Totsche, I Kögel‐Knabner
European Journal of Soil Science 58 (4), 918-931, 2007
How deep can surface signals be traced in the critical zone? Merging biodiversity with biogeochemistry research in a central German Muschelkalk landscape
K Küsel, KU Totsche, SE Trumbore, R Lehmann, C Steinhäuser, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 4, 32, 2016
Reduction of ferrihydrite with adsorbed and coprecipitated organic matter: microbial reduction by Geobacter bremensis vs. abiotic reduction by Na-dithionite
K Eusterhues, A Hädrich, J Neidhardt, K Küsel, TF Keller, KD Jandt, ...
Biogeosciences 11 (18), 4953-4966, 2014
Carbon flow into microbial and fungal biomass as a basis for the belowground food web of agroecosystems
S Kramer, S Marhan, L Ruess, W Armbruster, O Butenschoen, ...
Pedobiologia 55 (2), 111-119, 2012
Environmental selection shapes the formation of near-surface groundwater microbiomes
L Yan, M Herrmann, B Kampe, R Lehmann, KU Totsche, K Küsel
Water Research 170, 115341, 2020
STXM and NanoSIMS investigations on EPS fractions before and after adsorption to goethite
X Liu, K Eusterhues, J Thieme, V Ciobota, C Höschen, CW Mueller, ...
Environmental science & technology 47 (7), 3158-3166, 2013
How do long-term development and periodical changes of river–floodplain systems affect the fate of contaminants? Results from European rivers
GJ Lair, F Zehetner, M Fiebig, MH Gerzabek, CAM Van Gestel, T Hein, ...
Environmental pollution 157 (12), 3336-3346, 2009
Pesticide displacement along preferential flow pathways in a Brazilian Oxisol
S Reichenberger, W Amelung, V Laabs, A Pinto, KU Totsche, W Zech
Geoderma 110 (1-2), 63-86, 2002
Biodegradation of ferrihydrite-associated organic matter
K Eusterhues, J Neidhardt, A Hädrich, K Küsel, KU Totsche
Biogeochemistry 119, 45-50, 2014
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Articles 1–20