Dominique Sauter
Dominique Sauter
Professeur d'Automatique, Université de Lorraine
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Fault-tolerant control in dynamic systems: Application to a winding machine
H Noura, D Sauter, F Hamelin, D Theilliol
IEEE control systems magazine 20 (1), 33-49, 2000
A generic strategy for fault-tolerance in control systems distributed over a network
RJ Patton, C Kambhampati, A Casavola, P Zhang, S Ding, D Sauter
European journal of control 13 (2-3), 280-296, 2007
Fault tolerant control design for polytopic LPV systems
M Rodrigues, D Theilliol, S Aberkane, D Sauter
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 17 (1), 27-37, 2007
A fault detection and isolation scheme for industrial systems based on multiple operating models
M Rodrigues, D Theilliol, M Adam-Medina, D Sauter
Control Engineering Practice 16 (2), 225-239, 2008
Analysis of eye tracking movements using innovations generated by a Kalman filter
D Sauter, BJ Martin, N Di Renzo, C Vomscheid
Medical and biological Engineering and Computing 29, 63-69, 1991
Robust fault detection in uncertain dynamic systems
F Hamelin, D Sauter
Automatica 36 (11), 1747-1754, 2000
Frequency-domain optimization for robust fault detection and isolation in dynamic systems
D Sauter, F Hamelin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 44 (4), 878-882, 1999
Optimal thresholding for robust fault detection of uncertain systems
F Rambeaux, F Hamelin, D Sauter
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2000
Output feedback control of a class of stochastic hybrid systems
S Aberkane, JC Ponsart, M Rodrigues, D Sauter
Automatica 44 (5), 1325-1332, 2008
Fault isolation filter for networked control system with event-triggered sampling scheme
S Li, D Sauter, B Xu
Sensors 11 (1), 557-572, 2011
Actuator fault-tolerant control design: demonstration on a three-tank-system
H Noura, D Theilliol, D Sauter
International Journal of Systems Science 31 (9), 1143-1155, 2000
Robust residual generation via LMI
F Rambeaux, F Hamelin, D Sauter
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 32 (2), 7920-7925, 1999
Fault diagnosis in systems using fuzzy logic
Sauter, Mary, Sirou, Thieltgen
1994 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Control and …, 1994
Diagnostic et commande active tolérante aux défauts appliqués aux systèmes décrits par des multi-modèles linéaires
M Rodrigues
Université Henri Poincaré-Nancy I, 2005
Fault-tolerant control method for actuator and component faults
D Theilliol, H Noura, D Sauter
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No …, 1998
Nonlinear filter design for fault diagnosis: application to the three-tank system
C Join, JC Ponsart, D Sauter, D Theilliol
IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications 152 (1), 55-64, 2005
Co-design of event-triggered H∞ control for discrete-time linear parameter-varying systems with network-induced delays
S Li, D Sauter, B Xu
Journal of the Franklin Institute 352 (5), 1867-1892, 2015
Kalman filter for discrete-time stochastic linear systems subject to intermittent unknown inputs
JY Keller, DDJ Sauter
IEEE transactions on Automatic Control 58 (7), 1882-1887, 2013
Output-feedback Hcontrol of a class of networked fault tolerant control systems
S Aberkane, D Sauter, JC Ponsart
2007 Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, 1-6, 2007
Decentralized and autonomous design for FDI/FTC of networked control systems
D Sauter, T Boukhobza, F Hamelin
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (13), 138-143, 2006
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