Assessment of ecosystem integrity and service gradients across Europe using the LTER Europe network S Stoll, M Frenzel, B Burkhard, M Adamescu, A Augustaitis, C Baeßler, ... Ecological Modelling 295, 75-87, 2015 | 146 | 2015 |
Patterns of agri-environmental scheme participation in Europe: Indicative trends from selected case studies ES Pavlis, TS Terkenli, SBP Kristensen, AG Busck, GL Cosor Land Use Policy 57, 800-812, 2016 | 117 | 2016 |
Changing land use intensity in Europe–Recent processes in selected case studies T van der Sluis, B Pedroli, SBP Kristensen, GL Cosor, E Pavlis Land Use Policy 57, 777-785, 2016 | 107 | 2016 |
Exploring long-term trends in land use change and aboveground human appropriation of net primary production in nine European countries S Gingrich, M Niedertscheider, T Kastner, H Haberl, G Cosor, ... Land use policy 47, 426-438, 2015 | 106 | 2015 |
The impact of European landscape transitions on the provision of landscape services: an explorative study using six cases of rural land change T Van der Sluis, B Pedroli, P Frederiksen, SBP Kristensen, AG Busck, ... Landscape Ecology 34, 307-323, 2019 | 58 | 2019 |
Caught between personal and collective values: Biodiversity conservation in European decision‐making E Primmer, M Termansen, Y Bredin, M Blicharska, M García‐Llorente, ... Environmental Policy and Governance 27 (6), 588-604, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Landscape Change Processes in Case Study Areas (WP2), VOLANTE Project Reports. Deliverable no: 2.3. ALTERRA, Wageningen T Van der Sluis, SBP Kristensen, P Frederiksen, G Cosor, A Vadineanu, ... | 7 | 2013 |
Landscape Changes in Europe: Upscaling Results from Case Studies and Cross-region Comparisons: Deliverable no: 1.4. VOLANTE SBP Kristensen, AG Busck, G Cosor, V Gaube, E Pavlis, T van der Sluis, ... | 3 | 2013 |
Landscape changes in Braila Islands—Identification of habitat availability for colonial water birds R Giuca, C Cazacu, M Adamescu, T Racoviceanu, GL Cosor Rom. J. Biol.–Zool 60, 113-124, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Environmental Policy and Governance F Avelino, KM Gustafsson, SA Wolf, AA Agrawal, S Kirschke, D Borchardt, ... Power 27 (6), 2017 | | 2017 |
Changing land use intensity in Europe–Recent processes in selected case studies (online first) GBM Pedroli, SBP Kristensen, GL Cosor, E Pavlis Land Use Policy, 2015 | | 2015 |
Final report on relationships between biodiversity, ecosystem services and values in case studies: Part II: Q study of heterogeneous perceptions of the relationships between … M Termansen, PA Harrison, PM Berry, E Primmer, AH Andersen, ... European Commission, 2014 | | 2014 |
Visions of Land Use Transitions in Europe: Literature study on land use and landscape change as a result of European policies. T van der Sluis, G Corsor, F Pia, N Geamana, SP Kristensen, ... | | 2014 |
Final report synthesising the analysis of argumentation in multi-level governance interactions in case studies: Deliverable No: 3.1, EC Contract Ref: FP7-ENV-2011-282743 A Van Herzele, I Coninx, D Mortelmans, J Young, G Bela, U Heink, ... European Commission FP7, 2014 | | 2014 |
Visions of Land Use Transitions in Europe: Literature study on land use and landscape change as a result of European policies G Cosor, P Frederiksen, N Geamana, SP Kristensen, SR Svenningsen, ... Volante, 2014 | | 2014 |
Draft report: analysing combined results from case studies: Deliverable no: 1.3 SBP Kristensen, AG Busck, T van der Sluis, G Cosor, N Gemănă, ... VOLANTE, 2013 | | 2013 |
Deliverable No 2.3 Landscape change processes in case study areas (WP2) T van der Sluis, SBP Kristensen, P Frederiksen, G Cosor, A Vadineanu, ... VOLANTE, 2013 | | 2013 |
Deliverable No 2.4 Recommendations for relevant policies being developed for EU 27 T van der Sluis, P Frederiksen, JP Vesterager, G Cosor, P Vangelis, ... VOLANTE, 2013 | | 2013 |
Deliverable No: 2.1 An overview of institutions and governance structures at various levels-: Literature study on land use and landscape change as a result of European policies T van der Sluis, G Cosor, P Frederiksen, N Geamana, SP Kristensen, ... | | 2012 |
Recommendations for relevant policies being developed for EU 27 T van der Sluis, P Frederiksen, JP Vesterager, G Cosor, P Vangelis, ... | | |