Romain Sacchi
Romain Sacchi
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Potential and risks of hydrogen-based e-fuels in climate change mitigation
F Ueckerdt, C Bauer, A Dirnaichner, J Everall, R Sacchi, G Luderer
Nature Climate Change 11 (5), 384-393, 2021
PRospective EnvironMental Impact asSEment (premise): A streamlined approach to producing databases for prospective life cycle assessment using integrated assessment models
R Sacchi, T Terlouw, K Siala, A Dirnaichner, C Bauer, B Cox, C Mutel, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 160, 112311, 2022
The sponge effect and carbon emission mitigation potentials of the global cement cycle
Z Cao, RJ Myers, RC Lupton, H Duan, R Sacchi, N Zhou, T Reed Miller, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3777, 2020
When, where and how can the electrification of passenger cars reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
R Sacchi, C Bauer, B Cox, C Mutel
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 162, 112475, 2022
Deutschland auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität 2045-Szenarien und Pfade im Modellvergleich (Zusammenfassung)
G Luderer, C Günther, D Sörgel, C Kost, F Benke, C Auer, F Koller, ...
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, 2021
New environmental supplier selection criteria for circular supply chains: Lessons from a consequential LCA study on waste recovery
EJ Prosman, R Sacchi
Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 2782-2792, 2018
How to make climate-neutral aviation fly
R Sacchi, V Becattini, P Gabrielli, B Cox, A Dirnaichner, C Bauer, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 3989, 2023
Trade-off between critical metal requirement and transportation decarbonization in automotive electrification
C Zhang, X Zhao, R Sacchi, F You
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1616, 2023
Does size matter? The influence of size, load factor, range autonomy, and application type on the life cycle assessment of current and future medium-and heavy-duty vehicles
R Sacchi, C Bauer, BL Cox
Environmental science & technology 55 (8), 5224-5235, 2021
Exploring technologically, temporally and geographically-sensitive life cycle inventories for wind turbines: A parameterized model for Denmark
R Sacchi, R Besseau, P Pérez-López, I Blanc
Renewable Energy 132, 1238-1250, 2019
Technological demonstration and life cycle assessment of a negative emission value chain in the Swiss concrete sector
J Tiefenthaler, L Braune, C Bauer, R Sacchi, M Mazzotti
Frontiers in Climate 3, 729259, 2021
Past, present and future environmental footprint of the Danish wind turbine fleet with LCA_WIND_DK, an online interactive platform
R Besseau, R Sacchi, I Blanc, P Perez-Lopez
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 108, 274-288, 2019
Non-linearity in the life cycle assessment of scalable and emerging technologies
M Pizzol, R Sacchi, S Köhler, A Anderson Erjavec
Frontiers in Sustainability 1, 611593, 2021
Life-cycle impacts from different decarbonization pathways for the European car fleet
A Dirnaichner, M Rottoli, R Sacchi, S Rauner, B Cox, C Mutel, C Bauer, ...
Environmental Research Letters 17 (4), 044009, 2022
The sponge effect and carbon emission mitigation potentials of the global cement cycle, Nat. Commun., 11, 3777
Z Cao, RJ Myers, RC Lupton, H Duan, R Sacchi, N Zhou, T Reed Miller, ...
A trade-based method for modelling supply markets in consequential LCA exemplified with Portland cement and bananas
R Sacchi
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23, 1966-1980, 2018
Linking life cycle and integrated assessment modeling to evaluate technologies in an evolving system context: a power-to-hydrogen case study for the United States
P Lamers, T Ghosh, S Upasani, R Sacchi, V Daioglou
Environmental Science & Technology 57 (6), 2464-2473, 2023
Ten questions concerning prospective LCA for decision support for the built environment
S Bruhn, R Sacchi, C Cimpan, M Birkved
Building and Environment 242, 110535, 2023
The effect of price regulation on the performances of industrial symbiosis: A case study on district heating
R Sacchi, YK Ramsheva
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 14, 39-56, 2017
Preconditions for achieving carbon neutrality in cement production through CCUS
JG Dávila, R Sacchi, M Pizzol
Journal of Cleaner Production 425, 138935, 2023
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Articles 1–20