Jeremy Schreifels
Jeremy Schreifels
Resources for the Future / US Environmental Protection Agency / Tsinghua University
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Sulfur dioxide control in China: policy evolution during the 10th and 11th Five-year Plans and lessons for the future
JJ Schreifels, Y Fu, EJ Wilson
Energy Policy 48, 779-789, 2012
Institutionalized governance processes: Comparing environmental problem solving in China and the United States
OR Young, D Guttman, Y Qi, K Bachus, D Belis, H Cheng, A Lin, ...
Global Environmental Change 31, 163-173, 2015
Assessment of air quality benefits from national air pollution control policies in China. Part II: Evaluation of air quality predictions and air quality benefits assessment
L Wang, C Jang, Y Zhang, K Wang, Q Zhang, D Streets, J Fu, Y Lei, ...
Atmospheric Environment 44 (28), 3449-3457, 2010
China’s National Carbon Dioxide Emission Trading System: An Introduction
LH Goulder, RD Morgenstern, C Munnings, J Schreifels
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy 6 (2), 1-18, 2017
Assessment of air quality benefits from national air pollution control policies in China. Part I: Background, emission scenarios and evaluation of meteorological predictions
L Wang, C Jang, Y Zhang, K Wang, Q Zhang, D Streets, J Fu, Y Lei, ...
Atmospheric Environment 44 (28), 3442-3448, 2010
The US acid rain program: key insights from the design, operation, and assessment of a cap-and-trade program
S Napolitano, J Schreifels, G Stevens, M Witt, M LaCount, R Forte, ...
The Electricity Journal 20 (7), 47-58, 2007
Continuous emission monitoring systems at power plants in China: Improving SO2 emission measurement
X Zhang, J Schreifels
Energy Policy, 2011
Implementing SO2 emissions trading in China
J Yang, D Cao, C Ge, S Gao, J Schreifels
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading and Project-based Mechanisms, 13, 2004
Meeting Minamata: Cost-effective compliance options for atmospheric mercury control in Chinese coal-fired power plants
MP Ancora, L Zhang, S Wang, JJ Schreifels, J Hao
Energy Policy 88, 485-494, 2016
Controlling sulfur dioxide in China: Will Emission Trading Work?
J Wang, J Yang, C Ge, D Cao, J Schreifels
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 46 (5), 28-39, 2004
Economic analysis of atmospheric mercury emission control for coal-fired power plants in China
MP Ancora, L Zhang, S Wang, J Schreifels, J Hao
Journal of Environmental Sciences 33, 125-134, 2015
Cost estimate of multi-pollutant abatement from the power sector in the Yangtze River Delta region of China
J Sun, J Schreifels, J Wang, JS Fu, S Wang
Energy Policy 69, 478-488, 2014
Emissions trading to improve air quality in an industrial city in the People's Republic of China
RD Morgenstern, P Abeyunawardena, R Anderson, R Greenspan Bell, ...
China's environment and the challenge of sustainable development, 2005
Design and operational considerations for selective catalytic reduction technologies at coal-fired boilers
J Schreifels, S Wang, J Hao
Frontiers in Energy 6 (1), 98-105, 2012
SO2 Emissions Trading Program: A Feasibility Study for China
W Jinnan, Y Jintian, SB Grumet, J Schreifels
China Environmental Science Press, Beijing, 2002
The NOx budget trading program: A collaborative, innovative approach to solving a regional air pollution problem
S Napolitano, G Stevens, J Schreifels, K Culligan
The Electricity Journal 20 (9), 65-76, 2007
Building institutions to address air pollution in developing countries: the cap and trade approach
J Kruger, K Grover, J Schreifels
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading and Project-based Mechanisms, 91-102, 2004
Assessment of startup period at coal-fired electric generating units
P Kokopeli, J Schreifels, R Forte
US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Radiation, technical …, 2013
Sulfur Dioxide Emission Trading in China: Piloting Programs and Its Perspective
J Wang, J Yang, C Ge, D Cao, J Schreifels
Emissions Trading in Santiago, Chile: A Review of the Emission Offset Program of Supreme Decree No. 4
J Schreifels
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Articles 1–20