Justin Levandoski
Justin Levandoski
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Cited by
Lars: A location-aware recommender system
JJ Levandoski, M Sarwat, A Eldawy, MF Mokbel
2012 IEEE 28th international conference on data engineering, 450-461, 2012
The Bw-Tree: A B-tree for new hardware platforms
JJ Levandoski, DB Lomet, S Sengupta
2013 IEEE 29th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 302-313, 2013
Bztree: A high-performance latch-free range index for non-volatile memory
J Arulraj, J Levandoski, UF Minhas, PA Larson
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 11 (5), 553-565, 2018
Lars*: An efficient and scalable location-aware recommender system
M Sarwat, JJ Levandoski, A Eldawy, MF Mokbel
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering 26 (06), 1384-1399, 2014
Skyline query processing for incomplete data
ME Khalefa, MF Mokbel, JJ Levandoski
2008 IEEE 24th international conference on data engineering, 556-565, 2008
Identifying hot and cold data in main-memory databases
JJ Levandoski, PÅ Larson, R Stoica
2013 IEEE 29th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 26-37, 2013
Faster: A concurrent key-value store with in-place updates
B Chandramouli, G Prasaad, D Kossmann, J Levandoski, J Hunter, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data, 275-290, 2018
Deuteronomy: Transaction Support for Cloud Data.
JJ Levandoski, DB Lomet, MF Mokbel, K Zhao
CIDR 11, 123-133, 2011
Easy lock-free indexing in non-volatile memory
T Wang, J Levandoski, PA Larson
2018 IEEE 34th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 461-472, 2018
Streamrec: a real-time recommender system
B Chandramouli, JJ Levandoski, A Eldawy, MF Mokbel
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2011
Toward context and preference-aware location-based services
MF Mokbel, JJ Levandoski
Proceedings of the eighth ACM international workshop on data engineering for …, 2009
Main memory database systems
F Faerber, A Kemper, PÅ Larson, J Levandoski, T Neumann, A Pavlo
Foundations and Trends® in Databases 8 (1-2), 1-130, 2017
Structuring storage based on latch-free B-trees
D Lomet, J Levandoski, S Sengupta
US Patent 9,003,162, 2015
Application layer packet classifier for linux
J Levandoski
http://l7-filter. sourceforge. net/, 2008
High Performance Transactions in Deuteronomy
J Levandoski, D Lomet, S Sengupta, R Stutsman, R Wang
CIDR, 2015
Trekking through siberia: Managing cold data in a memory-optimized database
A Eldawy, J Levandoski, PÅ Larson
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7 (11), 931-942, 2014
High performance transactions in database management systems
DB Lomet, JJ Levandoski, S Sengupta, R Stutsman
US Patent 9,928,264, 2018
RDF data-centric storage
JJ Levandoski, MF Mokbel
2009 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 911-918, 2009
LLAMA: A cache/storage subsystem for modern hardware
J Levandoski, D Lomet, S Sengupta
Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large Databases, VLDB 2013, 2013
Sindbad: a location-based social networking system
M Sarwat, J Bao, A Eldawy, JJ Levandoski, A Magdy, MF Mokbel
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGMOD international conference on management of …, 2012
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Articles 1–20