Luis Cancela da Fonseca
Luis Cancela da Fonseca
MARE / Laboratório Marítimo da Guia
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Intertidal rocky shore communities of the continental Portuguese coast: analysis of distribution patterns
D Boaventura, P Ré, L Cancela da Fonseca, SJ Hawkins
Marine Ecology 23 (1), 69-90, 2002
The effects of grazing on the distribution and composition of low-shore algal communities on the central coast of Portugal and on the southern coast of Britain
D Boaventura, M Alexander, P Della Santina, ND Smith, P Ré, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 267 (2), 185-206, 2002
The use of the marine biotic index AMBI in the assessment of the ecological status of the Óbidos lagoon (Portugal)
S Carvalho, MB Gaspar, A Moura, C Vale, P Antunes, O Gil, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (11), 1414-1424, 2006
Comparative assessment of climate change and its impacts on three coastal aquifers in the Mediterranean
TY Stigter, JP Nunes, B Pisani, Y Fakir, R Hugman, Y Li, S Tomé, ...
Regional Environmental Change 14, 41-56, 2014
Size matters: competition within populations of the limpet Patella depressa
D Boaventura, LC Da Fonseca, SJ Hawkins
Journal of Animal Ecology 72 (3), 435-446, 2003
Why do raptors take domestic prey? The case of Bonelli's eagles and pigeons
L Palma, P Beja, M Pais, L Cancela Da Fonseca
Journal of applied ecology 43 (6), 1075-1086, 2006
Analysis of competitive interactions between the limpets Patella depressa Pennant and Patella vulgata L. on the northern coast of Portugal
D Boaventura, LC da Fonseca, SJ Hawkins
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 271 (2), 171-188, 2002
Spatial and inter-annual variability of the macrobenthic communities within a coastal lagoon (Óbidos lagoon) and its relationship with environmental parameters
S Carvalho, A Moura, MB Gaspar, P Pereira, LC Da Fonseca, M Falcão, ...
Acta Oecologica 27 (3), 143-159, 2005
The relationship between phytoplankton diversity and community function in a coastal lagoon
P Duarte, MF Macedo, LC Da Fonseca
Marine Biodiversity: Patterns and Processes, Assessment, Threats, Management …, 2006
Phylogeny, molecular ecology and taxonomy of southern Iberian lineages of Triops mauritanicus (Crustacea: Notostraca)
M Korn, AJ Green, M Machado, J García-de-Lomas, M Cristo, ...
Organisms Diversity & Evolution 10, 409-440, 2010
Macrobenthic colonisation of artificial reefs on the southern coast of Portugal (Ancão, Algarve)
D Boaventura, A Moura, F Leitao, S Carvalho, J Curdia, P Pereira, ...
Marine Biodiversity: Patterns and Processes, Assessment, Threats, Management …, 2006
The market features of imported non-indigenous polychaetes in Portugal and consequent ecological concerns
P Fidalgo e Costa, J Gil, AM Passos, P Pereira, P Melo, F Batista, ...
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), 2006
Feeding ecology of Nereis diversicolor (OF Müller)(Annelida, Polychaeta) on estuarine and lagoon environments in the southwest coast of Portugal
PF Costa, RF Oliveira, LC Fonseca
Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 104-113, 2006
Growth, survival and fatty acid profile of Nereis diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) fed on six different diets
P Fidalgo e Costa, LF Narciso, L Cancela da Fonseca
Bulletin of Marine Science 67 (1), 337-343, 2000
Sister species within the Triops cancriformis lineage (Crustacea, Notostraca)
M Korn, F Marrone, JL Pérez‐Bote, M Machado, M Cristo, LC Da Fonseca, ...
Zoologica Scripta 35 (4), 301-322, 2006
Mediterranean temporary ponds in Southern Portugal: key faunal groups as management tools?
LC Fonseca, M Cristo, M Machado, J Sala, J Reis, R Alcazar, P Beja
Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 3, 304-320, 2008
Distribution patterns of macrobenthic species in relation to organic enrichment within aquaculture earthen ponds
S Carvalho, M Barata, F Pereira, MB Gaspar, LC da Fonseca, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (12), 1573-1584, 2006
Estuarine biodiversity as an indicator of groundwater discharge
ACF Silva, P Tavares, M Shapouri, TY Stigter, JP Monteiro, M Machado, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 97, 38-43, 2012
Evaluation of ammonium and phosphate release from intertidal and subtidal sediments of a shallow coastal lagoon (Ria Formosa–Portugal): a modelling approach
D Serpa, M Falcao, P Duarte, LC Da Fonseca, C Vale
Biogeochemistry 82, 291-304, 2007
Insight into aquaculture's potential of marine annelid worms and ecological concerns: a review
A Pombo, T Baptista, L Granada, SMF Ferreira, SC Gonçalves, C Anjos, ...
Reviews in Aquaculture 12 (1), 107-121, 2020
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