aravinda mandli
aravinda mandli
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Analysis of the effect of resistance increase on the capacity fade of lithium ion batteries
AR Mandli, A Kaushik, RS Patil, A Naha, KS Hariharan, SM Kolake, S Han, ...
International Journal of Energy Research 43 (6), 2044-2056, 2019
Evolutionary algorithm for the determination of optimal mode of bioreactor operation
AR Mandli, JM Modak
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 51 (4), 1796-1808, 2012
Fast computational framework for optimal life management of lithium ion batteries
AR Mandli, S Ramachandran, A Khandelwal, KY Kim, KS Hariharan
International Journal of Energy Research 42 (5), 1973-1982, 2018
Optimal control analysis of the dynamic growth behavior of microorganisms
AR Mandli, JM Modak
Mathematical biosciences 258, 57-67, 2014
Electronic device for changing charging parameter depending on state of battery and control method thereof
JM Battle, Y Ankit, AR Mandli, KS Hariharan, P Tagade, RS Patil
US Patent 11,101,679, 2021
Methods for adaptive battery charging and electronic device thereof
AR Mandli, S Ramachandran, A Khandelwal, KY Kim
US Patent App. 15/593,924, 2018
Cybernetic modeling of adaptive prediction of environmental changes by microorganisms
AR Mandli, JM Modak
Mathematical Biosciences 248, 40-45, 2014
A Real Time Adaptive Charging Approach for Cycle Life Extension of Li Ion Cells
S Swernath, KS Hariharan, J Battle, A Kaushik, AR Mandli, S Agarwal, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168 (5), 050528, 2021
Consistency of cybernetic variables with gene expression profiles: A more rigorous test
F DeVilbiss, A Mandli, D Ramkrishna
Biotechnology Progress 34 (4), 858-867, 2018
Method and electronic device for real time adaptive charging of battery
A Kaushik, AR Mandli, Y Ankit, KS Hariharan, P Tagade, RS Patil, ...
US Patent App. 17/085,977, 2021
Constraints based analysis of extended cybernetic models
AR Mandli, KV Venkatesh, JM Modak
Biosystems 137, 45-54, 2015
Cybernetic Modeling Revisited: A Method for Inferring the Cybernetic Variables ui from Experimental Data
AR Mandli, JM Modak
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 54 (42), 10190-10196, 2015
Method and system for predicting onset of capacity fading in a battery
AR Mandli, A Kaushik, KS Hariharan, A Khandelwal, Y Ankit, ...
US Patent 11,557,798, 2023
An Application Of Cybernetic Principles To The Modeling And Optimization Of Bioreactors
AR Mandli
Revisiting the Foundations of Cybernetic Modeling Using Systems Engineering Methods
A Mandli, J Modak
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Artikel 1–15