Sean C. Sterrett
Sean C. Sterrett
Associate Professor at Monmouth University
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Movement and habitat use of two aquatic turtles (Graptemys geographica and Trachemys scripta) in an urban landscape
TJ Ryan, CA Conner, BA Douthitt, SC Sterrett, CM Salsbury
Urban Ecosystems 11, 213-225, 2008
Prevalence of haemogregarine parasites in three freshwater turtle species in a population in northeast Georgia, USA
AK Davis, SC Sterrett
International journal of zoological Research 7 (2), 156, 2011
An assessment of two methods for sampling river turtle assemblages
SC Sterrett, LL Smith, SH Schweitzer, JC Maerz
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5 (3), 490-497, 2010
The contribution of road‐based citizen science to the conservation of pond‐breeding amphibians
SC Sterrett, RA Katz, WR Fields, EH Campbell Grant
Journal of Applied Ecology 56 (4), 988-995, 2019
The conservation implications of riparian land use on river turtles
SC Sterrett, LL Smith, SW Golladay, SH Schweitzer, JC Maerz
Animal Conservation 14 (1), 38-46, 2011
What can turtles teach us about the theory of ecological stoichiometry?
SC Sterrett, JC Maerz, RA Katz
Freshwater Biology 60 (3), 443-455, 2015
Proactive management of amphibians: Challenges and opportunities
SC Sterrett, RA Katz, AB Brand, WR Fields, AE Dietrich, DJ Hocking, ...
Biological Conservation 236, 404-410, 2019
Movement and habitat use of the snapping turtle in an urban landscape
TJ Ryan, WE Peterman, JD Stephens, SC Sterrett
Urban Ecosystems 17, 613-623, 2014
A global database of nitrogen and phosphorus excretion rates of aquatic animals
MJ Vanni, PB McIntyre, D Allen, DL Arnott, JP Benstead, DJ Berg, ...
Ecology 98 (5), 1475-1475, 2017
Terrestrial movements and microhabitat selection of overwintering subadult eastern mud turtles (Kinosternon subrubrum) in southwest Georgia
DA Steen, SC Sterrett, SA Miller, LL Smith
Journal of Herpetology 41 (3), 532-535, 2007
Post-breeding terrestrial movements of Ambystoma tigrinum (Eastern Tiger Salamanders)
DA Steen, LL Smith, GJ Miller, SC Sterrett
Southeastern Naturalist 5 (2), 285-288, 2006
Defining the reference condition for wadeable streams in the Sand Hills subdivision of the Southeastern Plains ecoregion, USA
E Kosnicki, SA Sefick, MH Paller, MS Jarrell, BA Prusha, SC Sterrett, ...
Environmental Management 54, 494-504, 2014
Effects of disturbance at two spatial scales on macroinvertebrate and fish metrics of stream health
MH Paller, SC Sterrett, TD Tuberville, DE Fletcher, AM Grosse
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 29 (1), 83-100, 2014
Spatial Ecology of Female Barbour's Map Turtles (Graptemys barbouri) in Ichawaynochaway Creek, Georgia
SC Sterrett, AJ Kaeser, RA Katz, LL Smith, JC Brock, JC Maerz
Copeia 103 (2), 263-271, 2015
Experimental evaluation of spatial capture–recapture study design
J Fleming, EHC Grant, SC Sterrett, C Sutherland
Ecological Applications 31 (7), e02419, 2021
Factors influencing stream fish species composition and functional properties at multiple spatial scales in the Sand Hills of the southeastern United States
MH Paller, BA Prusha, DE Fletcher, E Kosnicki, SA Sefick, MS Jarrell, ...
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145 (3), 545-562, 2016
Effects of turbidity on the foraging success of the eastern painted turtle
AM Grosse, SC Sterrett, JC Maerz
Copeia 2010 (3), 463-467, 2010
Visual head counts: A promising method for efficient monitoring of diamondback terrapins
P Levasseur, S Sterrett, C Sutherland
Diversity 11 (7), 101, 2019
A stream multimetric macroinvertebrate index (MMI) for the sand hills ecoregion of the southeastern plains, USA
E Kosnicki, SA Sefick, MH Paller, MS Jerrell, BA Prusha, SC Sterrett, ...
Environmental management 58, 741-751, 2016
Plethodon cinerius (eastern red-backed salamander) movement
S Sterrett, AB Brand, WR Fields, RA Katz, EHC Grant
Herpetological Review 46 (1), 71-71, 2015
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Articles 1–20