Christian T. Smith
Christian T. Smith
Abernathy Fish Technology Center
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Cited by
Development of a standardized DNA database for Chinook salmon
LW Seeb, A Antonovich, MA Banks, TD Beacham, MR Bellinger, ...
Fisheries 32 (11), 540-552, 2007
Isolation and characterization of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) microsatellites and their use in other salmonids.
Molecular Ecology 7 (11), 1998
Differentiating salmon populations at broad and fine geographical scales with microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms
SR Narum, M Banks, TD Beacham, MR Bellinger, MR Campbell, ...
Molecular Ecology 17 (15), 3464-3477, 2008
Use of sequence data from rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon for SNP detection in Pacific salmon
CT Smith, CM Elfstrom, LW Seeb, JE Seeb
Molecular Ecology 14 (13), 4193-4203, 2005
Single nucleotide polymorphisms provide rapid and accurate estimates of the proportions of US and Canadian Chinook salmon caught in Yukon River fisheries
CT Smith, WD Templin, JE Seeb, LW Seeb
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25 (3), 944-953, 2005
Glacial biogeography of North American coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
CT Smith, RJ Nelson, CC Wood, BF Koop
Molecular Ecology 10 (12), 2775-2785, 2001
Divergent life-history races do not represent Chinook salmon coast-wide: the importance of scale in Quaternary biogeography
P Moran, DJ Teel, MA Banks, TD Beacham, MR Bellinger, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70 (3), 415-435, 2013
Spawning habitat and geography influence population structure and juvenile migration timing of sockeye salmon in the Wood River Lakes, Alaska
MT McGlauflin, DE Schindler, LW Seeb, CT Smith, C Habicht, JE Seeb
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140 (3), 763-782, 2011
Number of alleles as a predictor of the relative assignment accuracy of short tandem repeat (STR) and single-nucleotide-polymorphism (SNP) baselines for chum salmon
CT Smith, LW Seeb
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137 (3), 751-762, 2008
Thirty‐two single nucleotide polymorphism markers for high‐throughput genotyping of sockeye salmon
CM Elfstrom, CT Smith, JE Seeb
Molecular Ecology Notes 6 (4), 1255-1259, 2006
Genetic structure, evolutionary history, and conservation units of bull trout in the coterminous United States
WR Ardren, PW DeHaan, CT Smith, EB Taylor, R Leary, CC Kozfkay, ...
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140 (2), 506-525, 2011
Impacts of marker class bias relative to locus-specific variability on population inferences in Chinook salmon: a comparison of single-nucleotide polymorphisms with short …
CT Smith, A Antonovich, WD Templin, CM Elfstrom, SR Narum, LW Seeb
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136 (6), 1674-1687, 2007
Characterization of 13 single nucleotide polymorphism markers for chum salmon
CT Smith, J Baker, L Park, LW Seeb, C Elfstrom, S Abe, JE Seeb
Molecular Ecology Notes 5 (2), 259-262, 2005
Population genetic analysis of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in the Fraser River.
CT Smith, RJ Nelson, S Pollard, E Rubidge, SJ McKay, J Rodzen, B May, ...
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 18, 2002
Use of the 5′-nuclease reaction for single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping in Chinook salmon
CT Smith, JE Seeb, P Schwenke, LW Seeb
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134 (1), 207-217, 2005
Automatic summarization as means of simplifying texts, an evaluation for swedish
C Smith, A Jönsson
18th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2011), 2011
Effects of intravitreal dexamethasone on concentration of intravitreal vancomycin in experimental methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis endophthalmitis
MA Smith, JA Sorenson, C Smith, M Miller, M Borenstein
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 35 (7), 1298-1302, 1991
Divergent immunity and energetic programs in the gills of migratory and resident Oncorhynchus mykiss
BJG Sutherland, KC Hanson, JR Jantzen, BF Koop, CT Smith
Molecular Ecology 23 (8), 1952-1964, 2014
Thirty‐eight single nucleotide polymorphism markers for high‐throughput genotyping of chum salmon
CM Elfstrom, CT Smith, LW Seeb
Molecular Ecology Notes 7 (6), 1211-1215, 2007
Population structure of sockeye salmon of the central coast of British Columbia: implications for recovery planning
R John Nelson, CC Wood, G Cooper, C Smith, B Koop
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23 (3), 703-720, 2003
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