Dean Barratt
Dean Barratt
Professor of Medical Image Computing, University College London
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Cited by
Evaluation of prostate segmentation algorithms for MRI: the PROMISE12 challenge
G Litjens, R Toth, W Van De Ven, C Hoeks, S Kerkstra, B Van Ginneken, ...
Medical image analysis 18 (2), 359-373, 2014
Automatic multi-organ segmentation on abdominal CT with dense V-networks
E Gibson, F Giganti, Y Hu, E Bonmati, S Bandula, K Gurusamy, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (8), 1822-1834, 2018
NiftyNet: a deep-learning platform for medical imaging
E Gibson, W Li, C Sudre, L Fidon, DI Shakir, G Wang, Z Eaton-Rosen, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 158, 113-122, 2018
Weakly-supervised convolutional neural networks for multimodal image registration
Y Hu, M Modat, E Gibson, W Li, N Ghavami, E Bonmati, G Wang, ...
Medical image analysis 49, 1-13, 2018
Characterizing clinically significant prostate cancer using template prostate mapping biopsy
HU Ahmed, Y Hu, T Carter, N Arumainayagam, E Lecornet, A Freeman, ...
The Journal of urology 186 (2), 458-464, 2011
Apparatus and method for registering two medical images
D Barratt, Y Hu
US Patent 8,620,055, 2013
Focal therapy: patients, interventions, and outcomes—a report from a consensus meeting
IA Donaldson, R Alonzi, D Barratt, E Barret, V Berge, S Bott, D Bottomley, ...
European urology 67 (4), 771-777, 2015
Surgical Planning
G Penney, D Barratt, D Hawkes, M Slomczykowski
US Patent App. 11/847,652, 2009
MR to ultrasound registration for image-guided prostate interventions
Y Hu, HU Ahmed, Z Taylor, C Allen, M Emberton, D Hawkes, D Barratt
Medical image analysis 16 (3), 687-703, 2012
Label-driven weakly-supervised learning for multimodal deformable image registration
Y Hu, M Modat, E Gibson, N Ghavami, E Bonmati, CM Moore, M Emberton, ...
2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018 …, 2018
Medical image computing and computer assisted intervention–MICCAI 2018
U Schmidt, M Weigert, C Broaddus, G Myers, AF Frangi, JA Schnabel, ...
21st International Conference, Granada, Spain, 265-273, 2018
Instantiation and registration of statistical shape models of the femur and pelvis using 3D ultrasound imaging
DC Barratt, CSK Chan, PJ Edwards, GP Penney, M Slomczykowski, ...
Medical image analysis 12 (3), 358-374, 2008
Application of soft tissue modelling to image-guided surgery
TJ Carter, M Sermesant, DM Cash, DC Barratt, C Tanner, DJ Hawkes
Medical engineering & physics 27 (10), 893-909, 2005
Self-calibrating 3D-ultrasound-based bone registration for minimally invasive orthopedic surgery
DC Barratt, GP Penney, CSK Chan, M Slomczykowski, TJ Carter, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 25 (3), 312-323, 2006
The PICTURE study: diagnostic accuracy of multiparametric MRI in men requiring a repeat prostate biopsy
LAM Simmons, A Kanthabalan, M Arya, T Briggs, D Barratt, SC Charman, ...
British journal of cancer 116 (9), 1159-1165, 2017
Tissue deformation and shape models in image-guided interventions: a discussion paper
DJ Hawkes, D Barratt, JM Blackall, C Chan, PJ Edwards, K Rhode, ...
Medical Image Analysis 9 (2), 163-175, 2005
A biopsy simulation study to assess the accuracy of several transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS)‐biopsy strategies compared with template prostate mapping biopsies in patients …
Y Hu, HU Ahmed, T Carter, N Arumainayagam, E Lecornet, W Barzell, ...
BJU international 110 (6), 812-820, 2012
The SmartTarget biopsy trial: a prospective, within-person randomised, blinded trial comparing the accuracy of visual-registration and magnetic resonance imaging/ultrasound …
S Hamid, IA Donaldson, Y Hu, R Rodell, B Villarini, E Bonmati, P Tranter, ...
European urology 75 (5), 733-740, 2019
The accuracy of different biopsy strategies for the detection of clinically important prostate cancer: a computer simulation
E Lecornet, HU Ahmed, Y Hu, CM Moore, P Nevoux, D Barratt, D Hawkes, ...
The Journal of urology 188 (3), 974-980, 2012
Adversarial deformation regularization for training image registration neural networks
Y Hu, E Gibson, N Ghavami, E Bonmati, CM Moore, M Emberton, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2018: 21st …, 2018
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Articles 1–20