Tarek Dief
Tarek Dief
Assistant Professor at UAEU University
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System identification for quad-rotor parameters using neural network
TN Dief, S Yoshida
Green Asia Education Center 3 (1), 6-11, 2016
Power prediction of airborne wind energy systems using multivariate machine learning
MA Rushdi, AA Rushdi, TN Dief, AM Halawa, S Yoshida, R Schmehl
Energies 13 (9), 2367, 2020
Non-Linear Model Predictive Control Using CasADi Package for Trajectory Tracking of Quadrotor
MAR Mohamed Elhesasy, Tarek N. Dief, Mohammed Atallah, Mohamed Okasha ...
Energies 16 (5), 2023
System identification and adaptive control of mass-varying quad-rotor
TN Dief, S Yoshida
Green Asia Education Center 4 (1), 58-66, 2017
Modeling and classical controller of quad-rotor
TN Dief, S Yoshida
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.04173, 2017
System identification, fuzzy control and simulation of a kite power system with fixed tether length
TN Dief, U Fechner, R Schmehl, S Yoshida, AMM Ismaiel, AM Halawa
Wind Energy Science 3 (1), 275-291, 2018
Modeling and attitude stabilization of indoor quad rotor
T Deif, A Kassem, G El Baioumi
International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE) 7 (2), 43-47, 2014
Attitude and altitude stabilization of quad rotor using parameter estimation and self-tuning controller
TN Dief, S Yoshida, M Abdelhady
AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 2392, 2015
Investigating the validity of a single tri-axial accelerometer mounted on the head for monitoring the activities of daily living and the timed-up and go test
V Abdollah, TN Dief, J Ralston, C Ho, H Rouhani
Gait & posture 90, 137-140, 2021
Attitude stability of quadcopter using classic control with angular acceleration
MA Abdelkhalek, MS El-Demerdash, AA El-Tahan, TN Dief
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology and …, 2015
Adaptive flight path control of airborne wind energy systems
TN Dief, U Fechner, R Schmehl, S Yoshida, MA Rushdi
Energies 13 (3), 667, 2020
Towing test data set of the kyushu university kite system
MA Rushdi, TN Dief, S Yoshida, R Schmehl
Data 5 (3), 69, 2020
Simulation of the transition phase for an optimally-controlled tethered vtol rigid aircraft for airbornewind energy generation
M Rushdi, A Hussein, TN Dief, S Yoshida, R Schmehl
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 1243, 2020
Model predictive control-based guidance and control system for simultaneous multi-satellite assembly in proximity operation
M Atallah, M Okasha, TN Dief, F Omar
2022 13th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering …, 2022
Modeling, Robustness, and Attitude Stabilization of Indoor Quad Rotor Using Fuzzy Logic Control
T Dief, AH Kassem, GME Baioumi
International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE) 7 (6), 2014
Optimal consensus control for multi-satellite assembly in elliptic orbit with input saturation
M Atallah, M Okasha, TN Dief, AH Jallad
Acta Astronautica 208, 82-90, 2023
Fixture layout optimization of sheet metals by integrating topology optimization into genetic algorithm
SA Haseeb, Z Ahmad, TN Dief, SK Alnuaimi, T Sultan, K Hayat, ...
Applied Sciences 13 (7), 4395, 2023
Modeling, System Identification, and PID-A Controller for Tethered Unmanned Quad-Rotor Helicopter
TN Dief, MM Kamra, S Yoshida
Int. Rev. Aerosp. Eng 10, 215-223, 2017
Simulation of a Tether of a Kite Power System Using a Lumped Mass Model
M Rushdi, S Yoshida, TN Dief
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University …, 2018
Modelling and Control design of rover vehicle using classic and adaptive control
H Ali, MG Abdelhady, TN Deif
vcg 10, 13, 2014
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Articles 1–20