Mario Espinoza
Mario Espinoza
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Testing a new acoustic telemetry technique to quantify long-term, fine-scale movements of aquatic animals
M Espinoza, TJ Farrugia, DM Webber, F Smith, CG Lowe
Fisheries Research 108 (2-3), 364-371, 2011
Quantifying shark distribution patterns and species-habitat associations: implications of marine park zoning
M Espinoza, M Cappo, MR Heupel, AJ Tobin, CA Simpfendorfer
PloS one 9 (9), e106885, 2014
Conservation challenges of sharks with continental scale migrations
MR Heupel, CA Simpfendorfer, M Espinoza, AF Smoothey, A Tobin, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 2, 12, 2015
Habitat use, movements and site fidelity of the gray smooth-hound shark (Mustelus californicus Gill 1863) in a newly restored southern California estuary
M Espinoza, TJ Farrugia, CG Lowe
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 401 (1-2), 63-74, 2011
Contrasting movements and connectivity of reef‐associated sharks using acoustic telemetry: Implications for management
M Espinoza, EJI Lédée, CA Simpfendorfer, AJ Tobin, MR Heupel
Ecological Applications 25 (8), 2101-2118, 2015
Evidence of partial migration in a large coastal predator: opportunistic foraging and reproduction as key drivers?
M Espinoza, MR Heupel, AJ Tobin, CA Simpfendorfer
PloS one 11 (2), e0147608, 2016
Residency patterns and movements of grey reef sharks (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) in semi-isolated coral reef habitats
M Espinoza, MR Heupel, AJ Tobin, CA Simpfendorfer
Marine Biology 162, 343-358, 2015
Neurotoxicity of organophosphate pesticides could reduce the ability of fish to escape predation under low doses of exposure
N Sandoval-Herrera, F Mena, M Espinoza, A Romero
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 10530, 2019
Abundance, habitat use and movement patterns of the shovelnose guitarfish (Rhinobatos productus) in a restored southern California estuary
TJ Farrugia, M Espinoza, CG Lowe
Marine and Freshwater Research 62 (6), 648-657, 2011
Half a century of rising extinction risk of coral reef sharks and rays
CS Sherman, CA Simpfendorfer, N Pacoureau, JH Matsushiba, HF Yan, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 15, 2023
Feeding ecology of common demersal elasmobranch species in the Pacific coast of Costa Rica inferred from stable isotope and stomach content analyses
M Espinoza, SEM Munroe, TM Clarke, AT Fisk, IS Wehrtmann
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 470, 12-25, 2015
Reef shark science–key questions and future directions
MR Heupel, YP Papastamatiou, M Espinoza, ME Green, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 12, 2019
Estructura de las comunidades de peces de arrecife en las Islas Catalinas y Playa Ocotal, Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica
M Espinoza, E Salas
Revista de biología tropical 53 (3-4), 523-536, 2005
Shipping alters the movement and behavior of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida), a keystone fish in Arctic marine ecosystems
SV Ivanova, ST Kessel, M Espinoza, MF McLean, C O'Neill, J Landry, ...
Ecological Applications 30 (3), e02050, 2020
Assessing the vulnerability of demersal elasmobranchs to a data–poor shrimp trawl fishery in Costa Rica, Eastern Tropical Pacific
T Clarke, M Espinoza, R Romero-Chavez, IS Wehrtmann
Biological Conservation 217, 321-328, 2017
Ontogenetic dietary shifts and feeding ecology of the rasptail skate Raja velezi and the brown smoothhound shark Mustelus henlei along the Pacific coast of Costa …
M Espinoza, TM Clarke, F Villalobos‐Rojas, IS Wehrtmann
Journal of Fish Biology 81 (5), 1578-1595, 2012
The effect of biogeographic and phylogeographic barriers on gene flow in the brown smoothhound shark, Mustelus henlei, in the northeastern Pacific
CL Chabot, M Espinoza, I Mascareñas‐Osorio, A Rocha‐Olivares
Ecology and Evolution 5 (8), 1585-1600, 2015
Movement patterns of silvertip sharks (Carcharhinus albimarginatus) on coral reefs
M Espinoza, MR Heupel, AJ Tobin, CA Simpfendorfer
Coral Reefs 34, 807-821, 2015
Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays
CA Simpfendorfer, MR Heithaus, MR Heupel, MA MacNeil, M Meekan, ...
Science 380 (6650), 1155-1160, 2023
Elasmobranch bycatch associated with the shrimp trawl fishery off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Central America
TM Clarke, M Espinoza, R Ahrens, IS Wehrtmann
Fishery Bulletin 114 (1), 1-17, 2016
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Articles 1–20