Michele Munafò
Michele Munafò
ISPRA - Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
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Cited by
Assessing habitat quality in relation to the spatial distribution of protected areas in Italy
L Sallustio, A De Toni, A Strollo, M Di Febbraro, E Gissi, L Casella, ...
Journal of environmental management 201, 129-137, 2017
Regulating ecosystem services of forests in ten Italian metropolitan cities: air quality improvement by PM10 and O3 removal
F Manes, F Marando, G Capotorti, C Blasi, E Salvatori, L Fusaro, ...
Ecological indicators 67, 425-440, 2016
Dissesto idrogeologico in Italia: pericolosità e indicatori di rischio
A Trigila, C Iadanza, M Bussettini, B Lastoria, A Barbano, M Munafò
Rapporto 233, 2015, 2015
The impact of built-up surfaces on land surface temperatures in Italian urban areas
M Morabito, A Crisci, A Messeri, S Orlandini, A Raschi, G Maracchi, ...
Science of the Total Environment 551, 317-326, 2016
Low-density settlements and land use changes in a Mediterranean urban region
L Salvati, M Munafo, VG Morelli, A Sabbi
Landscape and Urban Planning 105 (1-2), 43-52, 2012
River pollution from non-point sources: a new simplified method of assessment
M Munafò, G Cecchi, F Baiocco, L Mancini
Journal of Environmental Management 77 (2), 93-98, 2005
Surface urban heat islands in Italian metropolitan cities: Tree cover and impervious surface influences
M Morabito, A Crisci, G Guerri, A Messeri, L Congedo, M Munafò
Science of the Total Environment 751, 142334, 2021
Estimating soil sealing rate at national level—Italy as a case study
M Munafo, L Salvati, M Zitti
Ecological indicators 26, 137-140, 2013
Consumo di suolo, dinamiche territoriali e servizi ecosistemici
M Munafò, I Marinosci, L Dattola, G Ragone, M Carati, C Meloni, N Skert, ...
Consumo di suolo, dinamiche territoriali e servizi ecosistemici, 1-368, 2021
Consumo di suolo, dinamiche territoriali e servizi ecosistemici
M Munafò …, 2019
Analysis of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) multi-temporal series for the production of forest cartography
GL Spadoni, A Cavalli, L Congedo, M Munafò
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 20, 100419, 2020
Copernicus high-resolution layers for land cover classification in Italy
L Congedo, L Sallustio, M Munafò, M Ottaviano, D Tonti, M Marchetti
Journal of Maps 12 (5), 1195-1205, 2016
Land consumption in Italy
A Strollo, D Smiraglia, R Bruno, F Assennato, L Congedo, ...
Journal of Maps 16 (1), 113-123, 2020
Mapping and Assessment of PM10 and O3 Removal by Woody Vegetation at Urban and Regional Level
L Fusaro, F Marando, A Sebastiani, G Capotorti, C Blasi, R Copiz, ...
Remote sensing 9 (8), 791, 2017
Soil sealing in the growing city: a survey in Rome, Italy
M Munafo, C Norero, A Sabbi, L Salvati
Scottish Geographical Journal 126 (3), 153-161, 2010
Urban soil consumption in the growing city: a survey in Rome
M Munafò, C Norero, A Sabbi, L Salvati
Scottish Geographical Journal 126 (3), 153-161, 2010
Investigating the relationship between land cover and vulnerability to climate change in Dar es Salaam
L Congedo, M Munafò, S Macchi
Rome: Sapieza University, 2013
Il consumo di suolo in Italia
ISPRA., M Munafò
Ispra, 2015
Il consumo di suolo in Italia, edizione 2014
M Munafò, I Tombolini
Rapporto ISPRA 195, 2014, 2014
Estimating river pollution from diffuse sources in the Viterbo province using the potential non-point pollution index.
G Cecchi, M Munafò, F Baiocco, P Andreani, L Mancini
Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità 43 (3), 295-301, 2007
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Articles 1–20