Janne Heiskanen
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Airborne discrete-return LIDAR data in the estimation of vertical canopy cover, angular canopy closure and leaf area index
L Korhonen, I Korpela, J Heiskanen, M Maltamo
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (4), 1065-1080, 2011
Biomass estimation over a large area based on standwise forest inventory data and ASTER and MODIS satellite data: A possibility to verify carbon inventories
P Muukkonen, J Heiskanen
Remote Sensing of Environment 107 (4), 617-624, 2007
Estimating aboveground tree biomass and leaf area index in a mountain birch forest using ASTER satellite data
J Heiskanen
International Journal of Remote Sensing 27 (6), 1135-1158, 2006
Estimating biomass for boreal forests using ASTER satellite data combined with standwise forest inventory data
P Muukkonen, J Heiskanen
Remote sensing of Environment 99 (4), 434-447, 2005
Estimating fractional cover of tundra vegetation at multiple scales using unmanned aerial systems and optical satellite data
H Riihimäki, M Luoto, J Heiskanen
Remote Sensing of Environment 224, 119-132, 2019
Impact of land cover change on aboveground carbon stocks in Afromontane landscape in Kenya
PKE Pellikka, V Heikinheimo, J Hietanen, E Schäfer, M Siljander, ...
Applied geography 94, 178-189, 2018
Coping with difficult weather and snow conditions: Reindeer herders’ views on climate change impacts and coping strategies
MT Turunen, S Rasmus, M Bavay, K Ruosteenoja, J Heiskanen
Climate Risk Management 11, 15-36, 2016
High aboveground carbon stock of African tropical montane forests
A Cuni-Sanchez, MJP Sullivan, PJ Platts, SL Lewis, R Marchant, G Imani, ...
Nature 596 (7873), 536-542, 2021
Seasonal reflectance dynamics of common understory types in a northern European boreal forest
M Rautiainen, M Mõttus, J Heiskanen, A Akujärvi, T Majasalmi, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (12), 3020-3028, 2011
Seasonal variation in MODIS LAI for a boreal forest area in Finland
J Heiskanen, M Rautiainen, P Stenberg, M Mõttus, VH Vesanto, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 126, 104-115, 2012
Mapping tree species diversity of a tropical montane forest by unsupervised clustering of airborne imaging spectroscopy data
E Schäfer, J Heiskanen, V Heikinheimo, P Pellikka
Ecological indicators 64, 49-58, 2016
Tree cover and height estimation in the Fennoscandian tundra–taiga transition zone using multiangular MISR data
J Heiskanen
Remote Sensing of Environment 103 (1), 97-114, 2006
Large-scale commodity agriculture exacerbates the climatic impacts of Amazonian deforestation
EE Maeda, TA Abera, M Siljander, LEOC Aragão, YM Moura, J Heiskanen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (7), e2023787118, 2021
Use of airborne lidar for estimating canopy gap fraction and leaf area index of tropical montane forests
J Heiskanen, L Korhonen, J Hietanen, PKE Pellikka
International Journal of Remote Sensing 36 (10), 2569-2583, 2015
Sensitivity of narrowband vegetation indices to boreal forest LAI, reflectance seasonality and species composition
J Heiskanen, M Rautiainen, P Stenberg, M Mõttus, VH Vesanto
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 78, 1-14, 2013
Seasonal changes in canopy leaf area index and MODIS vegetation products for a boreal forest site in central Finland
M Rautiainen, J Heiskanen, L Korhonen
Boreal Environment Research 17 (1), 72, 2012
Patch aggregation trends of the global climate landscape under future global warming scenario
H Lu, Y Guan, L He, H Adhikari, P Pellikka, J Heiskanen, E Maeda
International Journal of Climatology 40 (5), 2674-2685, 2020
The effect of topography on arctic-alpine aboveground biomass and NDVI patterns
H Riihimäki, J Heiskanen, M Luoto
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 56, 44-53, 2017
Views from two mountains: Exploring climate change impacts on traditional farming communities of Eastern Africa highlands through participatory scenarios
C Capitani, W Garedew, A Mitiku, G Berecha, BT Hailu, J Heiskanen, ...
Sustainability Science 14, 191-203, 2019
Invasive tree species detection in the Eastern Arc Mountains biodiversity hotspot using one class classification
R Piiroinen, FE Fassnacht, J Heiskanen, E Maeda, B Mack, P Pellikka
Remote sensing of environment 218, 119-131, 2018
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Articles 1–20