Eric Chauvet
Eric Chauvet
CNRS Senior scientist, Toulouse
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Consequences of biodiversity loss for litter decomposition across biomes
IT Handa, R Aerts, F Berendse, MP Berg, A Bruder, O Butenschoen, ...
Nature 509 (7499), 218-221, 2014
A perspective on leaf litter breakdown in streams
MO Gessner, E Chauvet, M Dobson
Oikos, 377-384, 1999
Importance of stream microfungi in controlling breakdown rates of leaf litter
MO Gessner, E Chauvet
Ecology 75 (6), 1807-1817, 1994
A case for using litter breakdown to assess functional stream integrity
MO Gessner, E Chauvet
Ecological applications 12 (2), 498-510, 2002
Continental-scale effects of nutrient pollution on stream ecosystem functioning
G Woodward, MO Gessner, PS Giller, V Gulis, S Hladyz, A Lecerf, ...
Science 336 (6087), 1438-1440, 2012
Ergosterol-to-biomass conversion factors for aquatic hyphomycetes
MO Gessner, E Chauvet
Applied and environmental microbiology 59 (2), 502-507, 1993
Regulation of leaf breakdown by fungi in streams: influences of water chemistry
K Suberkropp, E Chauvet
Ecology 76 (5), 1433-1445, 1995
The role of biodiversity in the functioning of freshwater and marine benthic ecosystems
AP Covich, MC Austen, F Bärlocher, E Chauvet, BJ Cardinale, CL Biles, ...
BioScience 54 (8), 767-775, 2004
A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but might reduce carbon sequestration
L Boyero, RG Pearson, MO Gessner, LA Barmuta, V Ferreira, MAS Graça, ...
Ecology letters 14 (3), 289-294, 2011
Bacteria, fungi and the breakdown of leaf litter in a large river
V Baldy, MO Gessner, E Chauvet
Oikos, 93-102, 1995
Fungal Decomposers of Plant Litter in Aquatic Ecosystems
MO Gessner, V Gulis, KA Kuehn, E Chauvet, K Suberkropp
Environmental and microbial relationships 4, 301, 2007
Impacts of stream acidification on litter breakdown: implications for assessing ecosystem functioning
O Dangles, MO Gessner, F Guerold, E Chauvet
Journal of Applied Ecology, 365-378, 2004
Synergistic effects of water temperature and dissolved nutrients on litter decomposition and associated fungi
V Ferreira, E Chauvet
Global Change Biology 17 (1), 551-564, 2011
Intraspecific variability in leaf traits strongly affects alder leaf decomposition in a stream
A Lecerf, E Chauvet
Basic and Applied Ecology 9 (5), 598-605, 2008
A meta‐analysis of the effects of nutrient enrichment on litter decomposition in streams
V Ferreira, B Castagneyrol, J Koricheva, V Gulis, E Chauvet, MAS Graça
Biological Reviews 90 (3), 669-688, 2015
Breakdown of leaf litter in a neotropical stream
C Mathuriau, E Chauvet
Journal of the north American benthological society 21 (3), 384-396, 2002
Magnitude and variability of process rates in fungal diversity‐litter decomposition relationships
CK Dang, E Chauvet, MO Gessner
Ecology letters 8 (11), 1129-1137, 2005
A uniform isotopic and chemical signature of dust exported from Patagonia: Rock sources and occurrence in southern environments
DM Gaiero, F Brunet, JL Probst, PJ Depetris
Chemical Geology 238 (1-2), 107-120, 2007
Global distribution of a key trophic guild contrasts with common latitudinal diversity patterns
L Boyero, RG Pearson, D Dudgeon, MAS Graça, MO Gessner, ...
Ecology 92 (9), 1839-1848, 2011
Riparian plant species loss alters trophic dynamics in detritus-based stream ecosystems
A Lecerf, M Dobson, CK Dang, E Chauvet
Oecologia 146, 432-442, 2005
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Articles 1–20